
  1. 近乎持续的经济增长使许多欧洲公司误以为会好景长在。

    Lulled by almost uninterrupted economic growth , too many European firms assumed that this would last for ever .

  2. IP数据的高速增长使传送网在业务类型、流量模式等方面都发生了巨大变化。

    The types of service and models of traffic in the transport networks have changed because of the increasing of IP data .

  3. 空间应用需求的增长使多CPU并行成为星载计算机的未来发展方向。

    Due to increasing of the application needed in space , the use of multi-CPU parallel has become the main development of On-Board Computer in the future .

  4. 根据世界银行(worldbank)按国际可比价格计算每天消费一美元的衡量指标,中国的增长使贫困率不断降低,在2001年以后的3年时间内,贫困率从16%降到了10%。

    China 's growth has continued to bring down the poverty rate , from 16 to 10 per cent in the three years from 2001 , according to the World Bank 's measure of $ 1 a day in consumption using global prices .

  5. 去年,订购收入和精选原创节目授权费的增长使HBO的年收入增长了10%,达到54亿美元。

    Growth in subscription revenue and licensing fees for select original programming helped increase revenue 10 percent , to $ 5.4 billion , at HBO last year .

  6. 溶聚丁苯橡胶(SSBR)的发展方兴未艾,需求量的增长使其连续法聚合工艺必将更受关注。

    The development of SSBR is in the ascendant and the increase of its demand will make the continuous polymerization processes be paid more attention to .

  7. 长达20年的快速经济增长使中国面目一新。

    Twenty years of super-fast economic growth have left China transformed .

  8. 这些增长使较穷国家的资源更趋紧张。

    These increases have strained the resources of the poorer countries .

  9. 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失。

    Inked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases .

  10. 人口的增长使节制生育成为必要。

    Increase in population made Birth control necessary .

  11. 但是,人口增长使需求增加。

    But population growth is raising demand .

  12. 支持者坚持其数量的增长使交通死亡率得以降低。

    Proponents maintain that an increase in their number results in fewer deaths on the roads .

  13. 该报告称,水产养殖增长使世界各地的人们食用的鱼类总量创造了新的记录。

    The report says increased aquaculture has helped people around the world eat record amounts of fish .

  14. 这种增长使中国成为了对外国实体而言利益最丰厚的新兴市场。

    This development made China one of the most financially rewarding emerging markets to invest for foreign entities .

  15. 因特网的快速增长使其成为销售数字化产品的重要渠道和媒介。

    The rapid expansion of Internet makes itself the most important distribution channel and media of digital products .

  16. 太阳能产业的增长使制造太阳能集热面板所需的高等级硅供不应求。

    The growth of solar firms has outpaced the supply of high-grade silicon needed to make their panels .

  17. 外来人口的急剧增长使适龄入学儿童数的数量也开始大幅增加。

    With the rapid rise of the external population , the number of school-age children also undergoes sharp increase .

  18. 城市化的迅猛发展改变了原有的土地利用方式,城市工业的高度集中和机动车保有量的快速增长使城市区域的大气污染日益严重。

    Rapid urbanization plays a tremendous impact on land-use and developing industry and increased vehicles aggravate regional air pollution .

  19. 反过来,现代工业部门的不断增长使之能吸收更多农业剩余劳动力。

    Adversely , the increase of the contemporary industry sector can employ more and more agricultural surplus labor force .

  20. 新的技术和在开发人员效率方面的增长使人们可以更多的思考并构架出更加深思熟虑的应用。

    New technologies and increases in developer efficiency have enabled people to think about and architect much more elaborate applications .

  21. 药品成分和药品国际贸易的增长使这一问题更加复杂。

    The growth in international trade of pharmaceutical ingredients and medicines adds a further dimension of complexity to this issue .

  22. 我国是人均资源比较少的国家,人口增加使人均资源占有量减少,经济高速增长使资源和环境压力加大。

    China is a country with relatively less natural resources per person , which is continuously reduced by the growing population .

  23. 在过去的30多年,对外贸易的高速增长使中国创造了经济发展的奇迹。

    In the past thirty years , the rapid development of foreign trade has created a miracle of economic development to China .

  24. 人、车的快速增长使车辆信息管理面临巨大挑战,交通管理部门的警力明显不足。

    People , vehicles and the rapid growth of the vehicle information management faces enormous challenges , traffic management department police clearly insufficient .

  25. 作为世界上两个最大的石油进口国,能源需求的增长使中美面临共同的挑战。

    As the two largest net importers of oil , China and the US face similar challenges as the demand for energy increases .

  26. 希腊存在诸多严重妨碍竞争的规章制度,从制药到货车运输无不深受影响,各界本应力推改革,奈何经济高增长使一切措施都失去了锋芒。

    The high growth rates also blunted any effort to reform the thicket of regulations hurting competition in everything from pharmacies to trucking .

  27. 美国城市核心的复兴和居住人口的迅速增长使公众对城市公园的需求日益增加。

    The revitalization of America 's urban cores and swift increase in residential populations has intensified and diversified programmatic demands on urban parks .

  28. 20世纪90年代,中国的经济增长使放纵消费浪潮达到新的高峰,小资一词有了现在的意义。

    The term Xiaozi came into its current meaning in the 1990s as China 's growing economy permitted new heights of consumer indulgence .

  29. 土地面积小,暴增的人口增长使海南的城市化和城市发展问题比中国其他省份的更重要。

    Its small territorial area and increasing floating population make its urbanization and urban development even more important than other provinces of China .

  30. 传统能源储量日益减少以及能源需求的不断增长使21世纪的能源问题面临巨大的挑战,人们越来越认识到可再生能源的巨大潜力和发展前景。

    With traditional fuel energy decreased and the environment problem deteriorated , the great potential and prospect of renewable energy has been recently realized .