- 名the school of Mo Di;Mohism

The Mohism is a spiritual wealth in the Chinese nation culture history .
There are three main sources in the Life Education Theory : the epistemology of the traditional Confucianiststhought , the essence of Mohism and the education theory of Pragmatism of Dewey .
Theoretical Basis , Central Notions and Values of Mohism : A Reassessment and Reconsideration
Through our analysis and study , it was not difficult to find that , the three sources of Taoism were related to Mohist to a certain extent .
Japanese academic circles accepted technology thought and logic thought from western countries even earlier than Chinese academic circles , so they explained logic thought of Mohist school by western logic thought .
Fourth , Mohism has a strong regenerate ability and a strong revolutionary nature . Therefore , it is a theory of revolution , a theory of national rejuvenation and a theory of power ;
Commentary of Pre-Qin 's Mocius ' Legal Thought & Mocius ' Reaction and Revision to the Confucian Thought of " Rule of Rite " and Some Analysis Corresponding
Their study has some differences . Mohist school and other schools in pre-qin period had the same academic background . And the development of Mohism had a natural homologous relation with other schools in pre-qin period .
Although Chinese and Japanese academic circles have different emphases on the relations between Mohist school and other schools , they all try to analyze the essence of mohism profoundly , which complements each other .