
  • 网络Sound Absorption;Acoustic Absorption
  1. 化学反应媒质中的声吸收理论及关于MgSO4水溶液的弛豫机构

    Theory of sound absorption and the relaxation mechanism of mgso_4 in water solution

  2. 有源声吸收的自适应控制方法研究

    Design Strategy and Algorithm for Adaptive Control of Active Sound Absorption

  3. 甲醇和乙醇蒸气的CO2激光光声吸收光谱

    CO_2 laser opto-acoustic absorption spectra for methanol and ethanol vapors

  4. 用激光外差法在温度500K下获得了本征GaAs的光声吸收测量。

    Photoacoustic absorption measurement of intrinsic GaAs by laser heterodyne at high temperature of 500K was made for the first time .

  5. 海水的低频化学弛豫声吸收

    Sound absorption in sea water due to low frequency chemical relaxations

  6. 对多孔铝的空气声吸收性能进行了研究。

    The air sound absorption property of porous aluminum was studied .

  7. 冷雾中声吸收的实验研究

    Experimental research of absorption of sound in cooled water fog

  8. 多种粮食声吸收的研究

    A study on sound absorption properties in various types grain

  9. 自适应有源声吸收中误差传声器的优化

    Optimization of Error Sensors Used in Adaptive Active Sound Absorption

  10. 研究带有空腔结构的非均匀复合吸声覆盖层结构的声吸收特性;

    Simultaneously , absorption characteristic of anechoic coating on underwater structure is studied .

  11. 液体中声吸收对光声信号波形的影响

    Effects of sound absorption on the waveforms of the photoacoustic pulses in liquids

  12. 有源声吸收单元吸声量计算及吸声机理研究

    Study on Mechanisms and Sound Absorption of Active Element

  13. 空间声场有源声吸收中的多极源结构

    Multipole source-configuration of active sound absorption ( ASA ) in space sound field

  14. 空间有源声吸收的理论研究

    Theoretical research on active sound absorption in space

  15. 玻璃中两能级隧道态耦合态及其对低频声吸收的影响

    TLS coupling state and its effect on the low frequency sound absorption in glasses

  16. 厅堂音质缩尺模型测试中空气声吸收的修正

    Compensating air attenuation in acoustic scale model testing

  17. 研究了实际系统中有源声吸收自适应控制方案。

    An adaptive control approach applied to practical active sound absorption systems is presented .

  18. 关於流体的容变粘滞弹性理论及其在声吸收现象中的应用

    On the volume visco-elastic theory of fluids and its application to sound dispersion phenomena

  19. 一种新的声吸收系数测试法

    A New Method For Measurement of Acoustic Absorption

  20. 孔结构对多孔铝空气声吸收性能的影响

    Air Sound Absorption Property of Porous Aluminum

  21. 基于结构表面声压的自适应有源声吸收控制研究

    Adaptive Active Control of Sound Absorption Based on the Sound Pressure on the Active Structure Surface

  22. 在该系统中,提出了面积比值法测量声吸收系数,提高了测量的灵敏度和精度。

    For improving the precision and sensitivity of the instrument , a " ratio method " for measuring attenuation coefficient has been taken .

  23. 在混浊水海域,由于海水中含有大量的泥沙、藻类以及浮游生物,因而海水的声吸收系数比一般纯净水要高很多。

    According to a large number of sand algae and plankton in the turbid sea area , the acoustic absorption coefficient is much higher than the area in the pure sea area .

  24. 对测量系统的声学特性初步调试表明:利用上、下两声室系统,基本能够满足材料和声子晶体平板声学系统的声吸收率和声禁带的测试。

    The debugging over phononic characteristics of the measuring system proved that using upper and lower chamber system can finish the test over sound absorption rate and voice band of the materials .

  25. 分析了差频选取、组织声吸收、组织弹性以及共焦换能器聚焦性能等几种重要因素对生物组织声发射的不同影响。

    The dependence of USAE in tissue on several important factors , including the choice of difference frequency , tissue absorption of sound , tissue elasticity and focusing performance of the confocal transducer , was discussed .

  26. 本文首先介绍了超声波面积比值法测量溶液中声吸收系数的基本原理,利用此相对测量的方法,能够排除超声波发射、接收以及各种干扰因素的影响,提高测量精度。

    In the first place , the basic principle of the method of acreage ratio standard of ultrasonic is described , it is a way of relative measure , and can eliminate the influence in the transmission and receiver circuit of ultrasonic .

  27. 液体中光声信号吸收衰减的研究

    Investigation of the attenuation of photoacoustic pulses due to sound absorption in liquids

  28. 统计声功率吸收系数

    Statistical sound power absorption coefficient

  29. 基于严格的电磁场理论,利用有限差分法来计算任意形状的二维栅格的光声共振吸收。

    The finite differential method based on the rigorous electromagnetic theory is used to calculate the optical absorption and reflectance on corrugated surfaces with arbitrary function profiles .

  30. 黑钴的光声光谱和吸收率

    Photoacoustic Spectra and Absorptivity of Black Cobalt