
fù hé yīn
  • Compound sound;complex sound;diphthong
  1. 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

    The transcription th ( for the fricative p ) caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive .

  2. 谐波复合音与耳蜗电位研究

    The harmonic complex tones and the study of the cochlear potentials

  3. 频谱复合音对幼龄豚鼠耳蜗电位的作用分析

    The Function Analysis of the Cochlear Potentials to the Frequency Complex Tones

  4. 现代锡伯口语复合音探析

    Probings into the Compound Sounds of Modern Xibe Language

  5. 纯音和复合音的频率鉴别率

    Frequency Discrimination of Pure and Complex Tones

  6. 在基于内容的数字音乐检索研究中,其音乐库大都直接使用复合音音乐数据文件。

    Much of the work on content based music query focuses on polyphonic music files .

  7. 脑干对谐波复合音反应中的基频成分与早期听觉信息处理

    Fundamental components in responses of the brainstem to harmonic complex tones and the early auditory information processing

  8. 结果用嗽音和滤波复合音对传统模拟助听器进行声场测试,结果无显著性差异,对全数字助听器则差异显著。

    Results Significant difference were found between the result of aided hearing level assessment by FM tones and filtered compound sound .

  9. 骨髓间充质干细胞复合音猬因子/纳米晶胶原基骨修复骨缺损

    Effect of marrow mesenchymal stem cells combined with sonic hedgehog and nano Hydroxyapatite / collagen for the repair of bone defects

  10. 对双组分谐波复合音,无论其间差频等于基频或基频的两倍,其诱发反应频谱中均出现基频成分。

    There was always fundamental frequency component in the SABEP to two component complex tones , whether the difference frequency is equal to the fundamental or twice the fundamental .

  11. 在生理刺激声强下,由高次谐波组成的三组分谐波复合音诱发的反应中,基频成分对于由各刺激组分相位结构改变而引起的刺激包络改变,呈现出较大的敏感性;

    At the level of physiological stimulus intensity , the responses to complex tones consisting of three higher harmonics presented a sensitivity to the phase configuration of the stimuli ;

  12. 研究在鼓阶或前庭阶记录由频谱复合音诱发的耳蜗电位,应用微机化生理药理实验教学系统,对幼龄豚鼠耳蜗的不同声音刺激予以记录分析。

    The cochlear potentials to the frequency complex tones recorded from the scala tympani or scala media were studied in this paper . The different sounds stimulation of young guinea pigs cochlear were recorded by applying the microcomputer physiological and pharmacological experimental teaching system .

  13. 转换后复合(混合)音、视频文件。

    Multiplex audio and video files after conversion .

  14. 本文对FVJ&1型复合材料无人增音机井进行了应力分析。

    Stress analysis for unmanned well of repeater with fiber reinforced material , type FVJ-1 , is discussed .