
My wife tried to unlatch our daughter 's car seat with one hand and said , " How do one armed mothers do it ? " Without missing a beat I replied , " Single handedly . " Ha !
William replied : ' Jerry 's a strong name . '
The energy in Beijing then was innocent , he replies .
" what ?" she replied , still doing her work .
" One dollar and eleven cents ," Tess answered barely audibly .
Government ( officials ) think their flesh is more valuable , replied another poster on the site .
Whitney Leigh Young echoed the poll 's findings , tweeting : " I 'm an actor / journalist .
So I can reply to you without hesitation : " The most important thing in life is friendship !"
Jackson 's reply was with a smile : He 's a space cadet , no doubt about it , so I can understand it .
When Sinn Fein 's Martin McGuinness asked how she was yesterday , the monarch jokingly said : " I 'm still alive , anyway . "
" Oh , no , sir , I wouldn 't want to do that ," the men would meekly reply , leaving me gifts of cash and Beatles albums .
With imperial palaces conducting to the interior passages around the imperial city , the guarding and the political system of the court made up a wholesome body of administration .