
biàn mén
  • access door;postern;side door;wicket door;wicket;wicket gate
便门 [biàn mén]
  • (1) [side door]∶建筑物的旁门或主要大门的副门

  • (2) [wicket;wicket door;wicket gate]∶指装在大门上成为大门的一部分或设于大门旁边的小门

便门[biàn mén]
  1. 北京东便门明城墙遗址公园

    The Ming Dynasty East Wicket Wall Relic Park in Beijing

  2. 东便门角楼夜景照明设计;

    The landscape lighting design of the turret of DongBianMen ;

  3. 大部分顺着河沿,经过巴喜便门出去。

    The majority followed the quay and went through the Passy barrier .

  4. 他又放下两碟装着炸马铃薯的添菜,然后关上通向厨房那扇便门。

    He set down two side dishes of fried potatoes and closed the wicket into the kitchen .

  5. 不久前那两个人走出来的那道便门,就在那栋建筑的高墙下。

    The wicket from which the pair had lately emerged was in the wall of this structure .

  6. 至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。

    As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine , Cosette had not referred to it again .

  7. 在梅恩便门,有些云石制造工人、画家、雕刻工场的粗坯工人。

    At the Barriere du Maine there are marble-workers , painters , and journeymen in the studios of sculptors .

  8. 在下面那块小小的开阔高地上,建有一堵高墙,高墙中间有一道栅栏便门,他们就是从那儿出来走上这条大路的。

    They had emerged upon this road through a narrow barred wicket in a high wall a little lower down .

  9. 忽然,博须埃瞧见马吕斯在街心朝着便门向上走去,神气有些古怪。

    All at once , Bossuet caught sight of Marius coming up the street towards the barrier with a peculiar air .

  10. 走出便门以后,车夫想和他攀谈,但是旅客老只回答一两个字。

    When they had passed the barrier , the coachman tried to enter into conversation , but the traveller only replied in monosyllables .

  11. 一个更有争议性的建成项目是北京东便门明代城墙遗址公园(2001-2003)。

    A more controversial project that was realized in a big city is the Beijing Dongbianmen Ming Dynasty City Wall Relics Park ( 2001-2003 ) .