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  1. 他杀了劳娜开车回威克费尔德时,便得知狄克逊县警察局已在追捕他了。

    As he drove back toward Wakefield , he learned that the Dixon County sheriff 's department had begun a manhunt for him .

  2. 移居最多的区域之一便是山谷之县。

    One area that picked up traction was Valley County .

  3. 被她父母抛弃后,这女孩便被陕西河阳县的一对贫穷夫妇抚养,她至今从未上过学。

    Abandoned by her parents , the girl-who has never been to school-was raised by a poverty-stricken couple in the county of Heyang , Shaanxi Province .