
biàn fàn
  • potluck;simple meal;family meal
便饭 [biàn fàn]
  • (1) [family meal]∶平时吃的简单饭食

  • 天天吃便饭

  • (2) [potluck]∶接待客人,未作准备的普通膳食

  • 跟我们一块吃顿便饭吧

便饭[biàn fàn]
  1. Jason向我们展示了怎样消除社会阶级、性别和国籍的偏见,人性化的与人共享一顿便饭。

    Jason had to show us how , by cutting through the prejudices of social class , gender and nationality , to share a simple meal on a human level .

  2. 在埃迪看来,那不过是一顿便饭。

    It was a simple meal by eddie 's standards .

  3. (请)来吃顿便饭。

    Come along and take potluck .

  4. 脸上笑嘻嘻,便饭成筵席。

    A cheerful look makes a dish a feast .

  5. 请你随时来吃便饭。

    There is always a place for you at our table .

  6. 姥姥给通宵祷告的人们打点好便饭。

    Granny would prepare a lunch for the all-night praying session .

  7. 在奥利弗姨妈家里吃饭总是吃便饭。

    Dinner at aunt olive 's was always a frugal affair .

  8. 我们今晚要和朋友吃顿便饭。

    We 're having a casual dinner with friends tonight .

  9. 我们吃顿便饭还是吃顿好的?

    Shall we have a light meal or substantial one ?

  10. 困境?激情?但丁拿它们当家常便饭。

    Quandary ? Passion ? Dante ate them for breakfast .

  11. 来同我吃顿便饭吧。

    Come into the house and take potluck with me .

  12. 今晚我们自带材料在公园里做顿便饭吃。

    We 're having a potluck dinner down at the park tonight .

  13. 他邀我留下来吃顿便饭。

    He asked me to stay for a light meal .

  14. 她很快地为我们大家弄出一顿很不错的便饭。

    She whistled up an excellent snack for us all .

  15. 今天晚上到我家里吃顿便饭吧。

    Come and take your bread and cheese with me this evening .

  16. 我们一起吃个便饭,顺便谈谈合作的事情吧。

    How about having a meal together and discussing some cooperation ventures ?

  17. 约翰期待着怀特夫妇来吃顿便饭。

    John expected Mr. and Mrs. White to come for a potluck dinner .

  18. 去年冬天,你答应要上我们这儿来吃顿便饭。

    Last winter , you promised to have a family dinner with us .

  19. 你愿意和我一起吃点便饭吗?

    Would you join me for a light meal ?

  20. 晚来吧。恐怕只能是吃顿便饭。

    This evening . I 'm afraid it will be rather pot luck .

  21. 他说他今晚来和我一起吃个便饭。

    He said he would come and dine with me , Sans facon .

  22. 跟我们一块儿吃顿便饭吧。

    Come alonge and take potluck with us .

  23. 我妻子总喜欢留朋友吃顿便饭。

    My wife is fond of asking her friends to stay for a casu .

  24. 好吧,但这不是一桩什么大事,听起来好象是在吃一顿便饭。

    Okay , but not ''occasion . ''lt sounds like we 're having brunch .

  25. 如果你不介意,请过来和我们一道吃点便饭吧。

    If you don 't mind , please come and take potluck with us .

  26. 我匆匆做了一顿便饭。

    I threw together a quick meal .

  27. 但是你们才刚来呀。你们在这儿吃顿便饭吧。

    But you 've only just come . wouldn 't you like to stay for a snack ?

  28. 咱们今晚是到外边去吃饭呢?你还是愿意留在家里凑合着吃顿便饭?

    Shall we go out for dinner tonight ? Or would you rather stay home and take potluck ?

  29. 不如你周五来吃个便饭不是很好么?

    Why don 't you come over Friday for a home-cooked meal . Wouldn 't that be nice ?

  30. 节制是不祥之物。足量很糟,就象一顿便饭。超过足量才如同宴席一样丰美。

    Moderation is a fatal thing . Enough is as bad as a meal . More than enough is as good as a feast .