
  1. 北京大学社会科学院教授夏学銮说,单独的收入水平并不是决定性因素。

    Xia Xueluan , a professor in social sciences of Peking University , said income alone is not the determining factor .

  2. 北京大学社会学家夏学銮表示,性教育的缺失,不仅会造成性病及艾滋病等健康隐患,还会引发诸多社会问题。

    According to Xia Xueluan , a sociologist at Peking University , a lack of sex education reaches beyond health issues , such as STDs and HIV , and causes social problems too .

  3. 夏学銮,北京大学的社会学教授,说:“在过去的十年里我们已经度过了几个所谓的世界末日……人们通过谈论它们以获得满足感。”

    Xia Xueluan , professor of sociology at Peking University , said : " We 've lived through several so-called doomsdays in the past decade ... people take satisfaction in talking about them . "

  4. 北京大学社会学系教授夏学銮解释道,视频中这些父母的回应表明了中国的父母“并不擅长积极的情感表达”,他们“习惯于用消极的语言来教导孩子”。

    Peking University sociologist Xia Xueluan explained that the parents ' responses reveal Chinese parents " are not good at expressing positive emotions " and " are used to educating children with negative language . "