
  • 网络calycanthus chinensis;Sinocalycanthus chinensis
  1. 夏蜡梅的双受精和种子形成

    Double fertilization and seed formation of Calycanthus chinensis

  2. 不同生境夏蜡梅营养器官总酚含量分析

    Analysis of the total phenols content in different organs of Calycanthus chinensis from different habitat

  3. 增温处理后,夏蜡梅叶片中SOD、POD活性增强,说明夏蜡梅幼苗的抗氧化酶系统具有较强的保护能力。

    The activity of SOD and POD in the leaves increased by the simulated warming , which indicated that the antioxidant system in the seedlings of S. chinensis was effective .

  4. 第一部分是以中国特有濒危植物夏蜡梅(CalycanthuschinensisChengetS.Y.Chang)为载体,进行濒危植物物种保护鉴定的分子探针开发;

    In the first part species-specific molecular primers were developed for the authentication of an ornamental landscape species , Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y.

  5. 夏蜡梅三个居群总的多态位点百分比(P(0.05))与平均基因杂合度(He)分别为44.1%和0.229,表明其遗传多样性水平偏低。

    At the species ' level , the percentage of polymorphic loci ( P0.05 ) and gene heterozygosity ( He ) of Calycanthus chinensis are 44.1 % and 0.229 respectively , which indicate a lower level of genetic diversity in natural populations of Calycanthus chinensis .

  6. 通径分析显示,土壤有机质、土壤pH值对夏蜡梅叶片游离蒽醌含量起正作用,土壤氮、C/N、土壤磷起负作用。

    Fifth , the path analysis showed that soil organic matter and pH value played positive roles in the content of dissociated emodin in the leaves of C. chinensis , while soil nitrogen , C / N and phosphorus played negative roles .

  7. AMOVA分子差异分析表明夏蜡梅群体间遗传分化程度高,71.91%的变异存在于群体间,28.09%的变异存在于群体内,群体间的基因分化系数(GST)为0.6274。

    Analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) demonstrated that the genetic differentiation among population was high . Variation among population occupied 71.91 % , while that within population occupied only 28.09 % .

  8. 夏蜡梅的离体快繁关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques of Rapid Propagation in Vitro of Calycanthus Chinensis

  9. 夏蜡梅腋芽微繁殖及叶片不定芽再生

    Micropropagation of Axillary Bud and Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Chinese Sweetshrubs ( Sinocalycanthus chinensis ) Leaf Explants

  10. 本文研究了不同程度土壤水分胁迫和不同温度处理对2年生盆栽夏蜡梅光合作用的影响。

    This paper studied the photosynthetic responses of2-year-old pot-cultured S.chinensis to different levels of water stress and temperature .

  11. 夏蜡梅阴坡的叶、根、一年生枝等器官的总酚含量显著高于阳坡。

    Second , total phenols content in the leaves , roots or one-year-old twigs in shady slope was significantly higher than that in sunny slope .

  12. 7个居群夏蜡梅叶片总生物碱含量存在较大差异,变化范围在1.4681%~2.5576%之间,平均为2.1580%。

    The content of total alkaloids in the leaves of S.chinensis from different population was from 1.4681 % to 2.5576 % with a mean 2.1580 % .

  13. 春天草会再度发芽。夏蜡梅腋芽微繁殖及叶片不定芽再生

    The grass will come up again in the spring . Micropropagation of Axillary Bud and Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Chinese Sweetshrubs ( Sinocalycanthus chinensis ) Leaf Explants

  14. 夏蜡梅7个居群叶片总皂甙含量在0.2959%~0.4155%之间,平均为0.3400%。

    Third , the content of total saponin in the leaves of C. chinensis at different localities was from 0.295 9 % to 0.415 5 % with a mean of 0.3400 % .

  15. 通径分析显示,土壤氮含量对夏蜡梅叶片总生物碱含量起正相关作用,土壤磷含量起负相关作用。

    The path analysis showed the content of soil nitrogen had positive effect on the content of total alkaloids in the leaves of S.chinensis , while the content of soil phosphorus had negative effect .