
xī yáng
  • the setting sun
夕阳 [xī yáng]
  • [the setting sun] 傍晚的太阳

  • 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。--李商隐《登乐游原》

夕阳[xī yáng]
  1. 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

    The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains .

  2. 夕阳照在大峡谷的北坡上。

    The setting sun strikes the Grand Canyon 's North Rim .

  3. 砖墙在夕阳的照耀下闪着红色的光芒。

    The brick walls glowed red in the late afternoon sun .

  4. 在夕阳街和新月山庄大街路口向右转。

    Turn right at the corner of Sunset and Crescent Heights Boulevards .

  5. 我们看着夕阳西沉。

    We watched as the sun went down .

  6. 夕阳西斜,异常壮观。

    The sunset was a stunning spectacle .

  7. 他们望着夕阳没入远处的山谷。

    They watched the sun set behind the distant dales .

  8. 夕阳为古老的红砖墙罩上了一层暖暖的炫目光辉。

    The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow .

  9. 造船业是夕阳产业。

    Shipbuilding is a dying business .

  10. 夕阳的余光从油罐上折射出来。

    The light from the setting sun glanced off the oil tanks .

  11. 夕阳的光辉没于黑暗中。

    Twilight merged into darkness .

  12. 你会在身边发现这样一个愉悦的时刻:一轮美丽的夕阳,或是一个正在鹅卵石路边的水洼里玩耍的小孩子。

    You 'll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you : a wonderful sunset or a small child playing in the puddlesof a cobbleroad .

  13. 夕阳将大片天空染成色彩变幻的火红色

    The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky .

  14. 这样,你便可随时看到你想看的夕阳余辉……

    You can see the day end and the twilight4 falling whenever you like …

  15. 自然女神鲜用黄,较之其它色。省下都付与夕阳。——大片泼蓝色,又似女人好鲜红。启用黄色时,千挑万选尤慎重,如爱人措辞。

    Spending Scarlet , like a Woman , Yellow she affords Only scantly and selectly Like a Lover 's Words .

  16. 我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。

    I PACED alone on the road across the field while the sunset was hiding its last gold like a miser1 . The daylight sank deeper and deeper into the darkness , and the widowed land , whose harvest had been reaped , lay silent .

  17. 当海鸥在寻找晚餐时,夕阳在凝灰岩地层上面投射了温暖的光辉。AlabasterandAzure光洁雪白和天蓝色

    A sunset casts a warm glow over the tufa formations as seagulls forage for dinner .

  18. 中国社交媒体上一场史诗般的代际之争划上句点,在这场数据之战中,40岁歌手周杰伦的夕阳红粉丝们战胜了以Z世代为主的年轻歌手蔡徐坤的粉丝。

    An epic generational clash waged on Chinese social media has come to a close , with the mostly older fans of 40-year-old singer Jay Chou declaring digital victory over the largely Gen Z followers of young vocalist Cai Xukun .

  19. 赫尔辛基滨海区,一家咖啡馆外,夕阳照耀下,诺基亚(Nokia)的过去与原本可能拥有的未来在这里交织。这家咖啡馆就坐落在诺基亚的旧电缆厂。

    Nokia 's past and what could have been Nokia 's future come together in the evening sun on the Helsinki waterfront , outside a caf é housed in the Finnish group 's old cable factory .

  20. 阿富汗国民军士兵围坐饮酒后快速突破后,在夕阳的Dahaneh村日常斋月茶,在阿富汗赫尔曼德省,星期四,2009年8月27日。

    Afghan National Army soldiers sit around drinking tea after breaking their daily Ramadan fast after sunset in the village of Dahaneh , in Helmand Province , Afghanistan , Thursday , Aug.27,2009 .

  21. 夕阳背光山和雾在这一戏剧性场面。

    Late sun backlights mountains and fog in this dramatic scene .

  22. 释析《夕阳箫鼓》的钢琴演奏

    An Analysis of the Piano Playing of Xi Yang Xiao Gu

  23. 我骑在夕阳背上聆听。

    Riding on the back of the setting sun I listen .

  24. 夕阳回照最后的一线红光从天空中消逝了。

    The last glow of reflected sunlight faded from the sky .

  25. 在金色的夕阳的照耀下,一切都显得那么安详、恬静。

    Everything looked calm and peaceful in the golden evening light .

  26. 请擦亮眼睛,看夕阳的沉落。

    Please have your eyes open to see the sunset sink .

  27. 血红一般的夕阳映红了他们的脸。

    The lurid sunset puts a red light on their faces .

  28. 西边地平线上的夕阳开始变成深红色。

    The sun began to turn crimson on the western horizon .

  29. 夕阳西沉,霞光满天。

    The colors of the sunset were diffused across the sky .

  30. 在夕阳下,它们发出浅橙色的光辉。

    In the evening sunshine they glow with a salmon-coloured effulgence .