
  • 网络Exogenous enzyme;AEB
  1. 本文研究了外加酶糖化法酿造干啤酒的生产工艺和影响因素,对生产10°Bx干啤酒的最佳工艺条件和操作曲线进行了探讨。

    The research focus on the product technology and effect factors of additional enzyme brewing dry beer . The best technology condition and operation curve in producing 10 ° Bx dry beer are discussed .

  2. 论述了啤酒外加酶糖化的基本理论,针对国外丹麦NOVO公司啤酒外加酶糖化生产工艺,着重研究了外加国产食品级酶制剂的啤酒糖化工艺。

    It discusses the basic theory of beer extra enzyme saccharification . According to the production technique ( NOVO danmark ) of beer extra enzyme saccharification . The main idea is the technology of the extra national food degree enzyme preparation for beer saccharification .

  3. 啤酒酿造外加酶的影响因素及解决办法

    Influencing Factors of Applied Enzymes in Beer Brewing and Their Treatment Measures

  4. 挤压膨化大米作啤酒辅料外加酶糖化工艺研究

    Study on the saccharification technology of beer brewing by using extruded rice and enzyme agent

  5. 外加酶糖化法制啤酒的研究

    Study on Brewing Beer with External Enzymes

  6. 外加酶法酿制低糖啤酒糖化工艺的研究

    Study on the Mashing Process in the Brewing of Low Carbohydrate Beer with External Enzymes

  7. 鱼露外加酶工艺的探讨

    Inquiries about External Enzyme Technique of Fish-Sauce

  8. 外加酶在烟草行业中的应用

    Application of Enzyme on Tobacco Industry

  9. 外加酶提高发酵豆粕蛋白质水解度的研究

    Optimization of the enzymatic hydrolysis condition to improve the degree of hydrolysis of fermented soybean meal

  10. 系统地研究了以脱皮大麦粉为辅料、采用外加酶法制备麦汁的生产工艺。

    The production techniques of wort with shelled barley flour as auxiliary materials by added enzyme method were studied systematically .

  11. 近年来关于如何利用外加酶改善烟叶内在品质已经成为烟草行业的热点话题。

    How to use the enzyme to improve smoking quality already becomes the hot topic in tobacco industry in recent years .

  12. 外加酶对膨化大米辅料麦汁还原糖含量的影响

    Effect of additional enzymes on the reducing sugar content of wort by using extruded rice as auxilliary materials in beer brewing

  13. 酿造过程引起不利于外加酶作用的因素有:酶作用的混合底物不均匀,易与其他物质混合,影响酶作用;

    The unfavorable factors to weaken applied enzyme effects during the brewing of beer included : the uneven mixed substance which easily caused interaction and further influenced the effects of enzyme indirectly ;

  14. 以Tris缓冲液制备细胞提取液,外加过氧化物酶并不能促进青蒿素的生物合成。

    In the cell free extracts by Tris buffer system , addition of horseradish peroxidase did not promote the biosynthesis of artemisinin .