
wài jiāo wén shū
  • diplomatic documents;diplomatic correspondence;diplomatic papers
  1. 照会与中国外交文书近代范式的初构

    The Diplomatic Note and the Initial Format of Modern Diplomatic Documents in China

  2. 牒既是外交文书,也可作为宋与高丽国内的官府文书使用。

    " Dispatch ", a diplomatic instrument , could also serve as Song and Korea domestic government instruments .

  3. 这些东西可追溯到阿肯那顿法老首都阿玛纳所发现的楔形文字外交文书之前150年。

    They are dated to150 years before the cuneiform correspondence found in the capital of Akhenaten at Tel El-Amarna .

  4. 牒是当时东亚各国普遍使用的一种外交文书,但流传甚少。

    " Dispatch " was commonly used in the East Asian countries and is a diplomatic instrument , but little circulation .

  5. 西方外交和文书体制对中国外交文书体制的硬性干预和强制替代,从一个侧面反映了西方价值体系在中国的强力移植过程。

    Western interference in and replacement of the Chinese format for diplomatic documents to some extent reflected the process by which Western values were transplanted into China .