
  • 网络TAKEAWAY;take away;Take-out;TAKE OUT
  1. 37岁的马克•希尔(MarkHill)不做炼钢工人之后,准备下月用7700英镑补助在米德尔斯布勒(Middlesbrough)开一家牙买加食品外卖店。

    Mark Hill , 37 , has gone from being a steelworker to preparing to open a Jamaican food takeaway in Middlesbrough next month backed by a £ 7700 grant .

  2. 你仍然在快餐外卖店工作,你有没有在工作的时候戴一顶这样的帽子呢?

    Q : Youre still working at Tuckshop Takeaway . Would you ever wear a head piece on the job ?

  3. 小型餐厅、熟食店、外卖店;

    Ideal for small restaurants , delis and kiosks ;

  4. 比如连锁店,外卖店。

    Such as , chain shop , take-out restaurant , and so on .

  5. 食物这个元素来源于我在墨尔本考尔菲尔德快餐外卖店的工作。

    The food element came about because I was working at Tuckshop Takeaway , Caulfield ( Melbourne ) .

  6. 英国与爱尔兰的食品监督机构正争分夺秒地确认供给其他零售商、外卖店和饭店的产品是否受到污染。

    Food watchdogs in the UK and Ireland are racing to establish whether products made for other retailers , take-aways and restaurants are contaminated .

  7. 在父亲的帮助下,他筹集了5万英镑,在彼得伯勒开办了一家中餐外卖店。半年后,他收回了本钱。

    With help from his father , he raised 50,000 to open a Chinese takeaway in Peterborough and made his investment back in six months .

  8. 他在十几岁时就帮助父亲打理彼得伯勒的一家中餐外卖店,当时他一家已离开香港在该市定居。

    He had spent his teenage years helping his father run a Chinese takeaway in Peterborough , where the family had settled from Hong Kong .

  9. 传统的电话订餐给顾客跟外卖店带来不方便,如何使订餐更快速,更方便已成为众多餐饮企业关注的问题了。

    Traditional phone ordering to customers with takeaway inconveniences , how to make ordering faster and more convenient has become a large concern of the catering business .

  10. 搬到墨尔本6个月之后,在快餐外卖店上班的汉堡制作师菲尔弗格森觉得自己需要活跃一下艺术细胞,更重要的是,为了交朋友。

    Six months after moving to Melbourne , Tuckshop Takeaways burger maker Phil Ferguson realised he needed to flex his Fine Arts muscles and , more importantly , make friends .

  11. 它是这个国家最喜爱的中国食品。在英国,它受到千万人的青睐,是英国各个餐馆和外卖店菜单上的主打产品。

    It is the nation 's favourite Chinese dish – adored by millions and a staple feature on the menus of restaurants and takeaways the length and breadth of Britain .

  12. 除一些大型超市之外,一些常用塑料袋的地方,如小型杂货店、干洗店和外卖店等,最后都有可能实施对购物袋收费的政策。

    In addition to large supermarkets , other outfits that regularly use plastic bags , including smaller grocery stores , dry cleaners and takeout restaurants , could eventually be targeted .

  13. 因为禁令,曾经是波士顿人的麦克斯威尼说,人们开始去外卖店把烈酒带回家,他们可以一边看足球比赛,一边喝酒、抽烟。

    As a result of the ban , said Mr. McSweeney , a former Bostonian , people started going to the take-aways to bring their hooch home , where they could watch soccer on the telly , and have their drink and smoke .

  14. 在南美最大城市圣保罗的贫民窟,披萨外卖店正在激增,原因就是许多没有合适厨房的家庭,现在会在家订个披萨来庆祝特别的事。

    In the favelas ( slums ) of s o Paulo , the largest city in South America , takeaway pizza parlours are proliferating because many families , who often do not have proper kitchens , now order a pizza at home to celebrate special occasions .

  15. 想吃按块卖的披萨,就去外卖披萨店Pizzarium,店主是披萨大师加布里埃尔·邦奇(GabrieleBonci),该店经过急需的扩建后,计划于3月8日重新开业。

    For pizza al taglio ( by the slice ) , go to Pizzarium , a take-away shop owned by the master pizzaiolo Gabriele Bonci that is scheduled to reopen March 8 after a much-needed expansion .

  16. 餐馆内就餐、外卖、面包店内、冰淇淋店内的食物都必须遵循这一规则,比萨也会按每片或整张标记卡路里;

    The new calorie rule covers meals at sit-down restaurants , take-out food , bakery items , ice cream from an ice-cream store and pizza , which will be labeled by the slice and whole pie .

  17. 但一家提供外卖的披萨店或一家鱼和薯条店真能算得上餐饮业吗?确实算得上:应该趁热吃并且店里热乎乎地提供的食物,就得收20%的增值税。

    But surely a takeaway pizza place or a fish and chip shop is in the catering business ? Indeed : food intended to be eaten hot , and supplied hot , is subject to 20 per cent VAT .