
  • 网络African animals
  1. 一起来了解非洲动物们是如何觅食的吧。

    Discover how African animals find their food .

  2. 五种令人称奇的非洲动物!我们可以在它们的自然生活区看到大象,狮子,豹子或者是水牛。

    Helli : The five amazing African animals ! We might get to see an elephant , a lion , a rhino , a leopard or a buffalo in their natural habitat .

  3. 最近我在看一档有关非洲动物的节目,

    I was recently watching a show on animals in Africa ,

  4. 非洲动物饲料和有关工业(第一次)区域协商

    Regional Consultation of Animal Feed and Relate Industries in Africa , First

  5. 犀牛是一种体型庞大的非洲动物。

    Rhinos are a very heavy African animal .

  6. 非洲动物基金会致力于保护野狗,防止偷猎行为发生。

    The African Wildlife Foundation is one group that has worked to maintain the populations of these dogs and reduce poaching .

  7. 在美国,人们认为该病毒是从非洲动物传给与其混在一起的许多具有易感性的非非洲物种的(像草原犬)。

    In the USA , the virus is thought to have been transmitted from African animals to a number of susceptible non-African species ( like prairie dogs ) with which they were co-housed .

  8. 这些非洲食肉动物分别属于灵猫科和獴科动物,以它们长而灵活的小身躯著称。

    These African carnivores are related to mongooses and weasels , noted for their long , elastic bodies .

  9. 克莱夫·沃克这样说,他曾经写过数本关于非洲野生动物的书。一些动物确实是依靠嗅觉或听觉等人类已知的官能来躲避危险的,比如食肉动物。

    Animals certainly rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger such as predators .

  10. 当地人会将自己打扮成非洲的动物,比如说狮子或是神秘的野兽,龙。

    There are traditional characters that dress up in customs depicting African animals , such as lions and mystical beasts , dragon .

  11. 此外,为了确保这种通常生活在非洲的动物不在寒冷的德国冬天挨冻,还应该采取一些安全措施。

    It said safeguards were also needed to ensure the animals , usually found in Africa , do not freeze in cold German winters .

  12. 内容简介:在父亲工作的地方&非洲野生动物保护区,阿金波想出了一个相当危险的方法,以夺得偷象者手中的戒指。

    Content Abstract : On the African game preserve where his father works , Akimbo devises a dangerous plan to capture a ring of elephant poachers .

  13. 该账号的主页上写着:请支持这个女孩,她在非洲猎杀动物是合法行为,却因上传这些照片受到人们的攻击。

    ' Support this teenage girl who was attacked for posting pictures of her game that she legally harvested while in Africa , ' reads the page .

  14. 同时,非洲野生动物基金会也在为改变这条道路的路径进行活动,让这条道路通过公园的南部,避开动物的的迁移路线。

    Meanwhile , the African Wildlife Foundation is campaigning for the road 's path to be altered so that it passes south of the park , avoiding the migration route .

  15. 我特别渴望看看豹,于是选择住进庭加酒店,这个酒店地处非洲食肉动物数量密度最大的一个地区。

    I 'm particularly keen to see leopards and have chosen to stay at Tinga Lodge , which is in an area with the highest recorded density of the predator in Africa .

  16. 据报道非洲的野生动物数量正在减少。

    It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing .

  17. 我参加一支远征队去拍摄非洲的野生动物。

    I 'm taking part in an expedition to photograph wild animals in africa .

  18. 在非洲,有些动物越来越难见到。

    Some animals are becoming scarce in Africa .

  19. 南部非洲地区野生动物管理协会

    Southern African Wildlife Management Association

  20. 非洲的很多动物诸如非洲象和尼罗河鳄鱼在世界上是绝无仅有的。

    Many animals in Africa are found nowhere else in the world , such as African elephants and Nile crocodiles .

  21. 通过裂球移植,将16细胞期非洲爪蟾胚胎动物半球的背方裂球和腹方裂球进行异位移值,分别产生具有双背预定命运和双腹预定命运的胚胎。

    The pair of dorsal-most animal blastomeres of the 16-cell Xenopus embryo were transplanted to the ventral side of a synchronous recipient .

  22. 禽肉是非洲主要的动物蛋白(首先由于那里的物质很贫乏),也是数百万小农生存中不可或缺的可随意支配的收入来源。

    Poultry meat is the primary animal protein in Africa ( which has little to begin with ) and the indispensable source of discretionary income for the survival of millions of small farmers .

  23. 到非洲猎取大型野生动物的刺激两百年来一直吸引着欧洲人。

    The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years

  24. 在非洲,在多种动物身上都可见到猴痘感染;绳松鼠(ropesquirrels)、松鼠、冈比亚巨鼠、条纹小鼠、睡鼠(dormice)以及灵长类动物。

    In Africa , monkeypox infection has been found in many animal species : rope squirrels , tree squirrels , Gambian rats , striped mice , doormice and primates .

  25. 河马是非洲最危险的动物之一。

    Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa .

  26. 我在非洲度假,猎捕动物。

    I 'm on holiday in Africa , hunting for animals .

  27. 狮子是生活在非洲的一种动物。

    A lion is an animal that lives in Africa .

  28. 你只有在非洲才能看到这种动物。

    You can find this kind of animal nowhere but in Africa .

  29. 查理和他妻子要拍摄有关非洲土著人和动物的影片。

    Charlie and his wife were going to film the Africans and the animals .

  30. 非洲的不少大型动物猎场配有豪华住宿服务。

    Many of the ranches in Africa where big game is hunted have their own luxury accommodations .