
  • 网络African Tribes
  1. 一些非洲部落至今还以这种方式使用它。

    Some African tribes still use umbrellas in this way today .

  2. 她所讲的非洲部落传说、种种伟大发明及魔法咒语等,都让阿瑟惊奇不已。

    She amazed him with legends of African tribes , great inventions , and magical spells .

  3. n.本国语;土语这些非洲部落的土语是没有语法的。

    vernacular There is not a single grammar book on the vernacular of this African tribe .

  4. 这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来

    The vernacular of these african tribe have never is write down

  5. 加入非洲部落。

    Join an African tribe .

  6. 汉德森在非洲部落流露出来的拯救意识,是美国人选民意识的变种,同样是美国清教价值的反映。

    The consciousness of salvation shown by Henderson in the African tribes is a mutation of the American consciousness of electorates .

  7. 许多非洲的部落都相信人会转世。

    Many African tribes believe in reincarnation .

  8. 非洲许多部落仍把蛇尊为圣物。

    In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes .

  9. 就算是咱们能给非洲各部落的人民带来文明,这使他们变得更幸福吗?

    The African tribes were to be civilized by us , would they be happier for it ?

  10. 紧凑的鼓点充斥着整座剧院,伴随着鼓点,一位原始人打扮的舞者,全身上下除了一件珠子装饰的腰布之外,其它什么也没穿。他用奔放的激情表演非洲的部落舞蹈。

    Intense drum beats fill the theater as a savage looking dancer , dressed in little more than a beaded loin cloth , performs an African tribal dance of uninhibited passion .

  11. 传教士们打算去教化非洲的野蛮部落。

    The missionaries intended to civilize the wild tribes of africa .

  12. 这是非洲某个部落的习俗。

    This is a custom among certain African tribes .

  13. 干上摄影的行当后,我时常琢磨着如何把镜头对准非洲的原始部落和土著居民,而且这种冲动越来越不可理喻。

    After becoming a photographer , I was eager to focus my lens on African tribes .

  14. 非洲的恩德拉部落是个贫穷但骄傲的民族,由于位在撒哈拉沙漠南部的大草原地区,他们只能用草来造房子,但他们的房屋仍然设计美观,内部宽敞。

    The Ndele tribesmen of Africa were'a poor but proud people . Living as they did in the savannah regions south of the Sahara , they had only grass with which to build their houses , but these were nonetheless beautifully designed and spacious .

  15. 非洲国家希望把非洲所有的原始部落都变成文明社会。

    The african countries hoped to civilize all the primitive tribes on the land .