
  • 网络External standard
  1. 外标准法实时定量反转录-聚合酶链反应方法的建立方法:反转录PCR方法。

    Development of real-time RT-PCR with a external standard Methods : Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT PCR ) technique was used .

  2. 结论外标准法实时定量RT-PCR具有灵敏度高、特异性强、重复性好的特点,可精确地检测出小鼠甲状腺组织TSHRmRNA的水平。

    Conclusion It is suggested that real-time RT-PCR with the external standard is a sensitive , specific and reproductive method and it is more accurate than ordinary PCR for determination of TSHR mRNA in thyroid tissue .

  3. 本文简单介绍了几种猝灭校正方法&外标准源道比法,样品谱指数法和H数法。首先比较了这些方法的特点。

    Several methods for quench correction-external standard channels ratio method , spectral index method and " H number " method are simply introduced .

  4. 并以NIST(美国国家标准技术研究院)紫外标准探测器为核心元件,构建了一套高精度紫外辐射计。

    The High Accuracy UV Radiometer ( HAUR ) whose core element using NIST standard detector has been established .

  5. 给出了研究下一代网络(NGN)的国内外标准化组织,并对ITU-T、ETSI、3GPP、IETF和中国在下一代网络方面的标准化成果进行了详细的介绍。

    This paper presents the standardization organizations of Next Generation Network ( NGN ) and introduces in detail the NGN standardization fruits of ITU-T , ETSI , 3GPP , IETF and China respectively .

  6. 参照无源光器件可靠性试验的国内外标准,设计了OCSH的可靠性试验内容及程序;

    Referring to the standards for reliability test of passive optical components home and abroad , the contents and program of reliability test for OCSH were designed .

  7. 国内外标准化体系比较

    Compare and Research of the Internal and External Standardization Systems

  8. 从国内外标准看光通信最新发展

    The Latest Development of Optical Communications Shown by Relevant Standards

  9. 钢制闸阀国内外标准分析

    Analysis on domestic and international standard of steel gate valve

  10. 非重复充装焊接钢瓶国内外标准比较

    Comparison of Non-refillable Steel Welded Cylinder and Foreign Standards

  11. 国内外标准参照测验分数体系的比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Criterion Referenced Test 's Score System at Home and Abroad

  12. 国内外标准中压力容器水压试验要求对比分析

    The Comparing Analysis of the Domestic and Foreign Standards Pertaining Pressure Vessel Hydraulic Test

  13. 用气相色谱法测定天然气组成国内外标准对比研究

    Contrast Research of Standards Home and Abroad for Natural Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography

  14. 如果需要上表中国外标准法兰请在合同中注明。

    Please give clear declaration in your contract when ordering flanges to foreign standard .

  15. 电信线的1‰敏感系数与国内外标准

    The 1 ‰ Sensitive Coefficient of Telecommunication Lines with the Standards at Home and Abroad

  16. 关联用户用途的试车技术汽车操纵稳定性试验方法国内外标准对比

    Contrast between the Chinese Standard and International One for Automobile Controllability and Stability Test Procedure

  17. 与硝酸纤维素木器涂料有关的国内外标准和法规及产品发展趋势

    Domestic and overseas standards and regulations related to nitrocellulose wood coatings and the development trend

  18. 中低压交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆国内外标准概述

    A brief introduction to the national and foreign standards of LV and MV XLPE power cables

  19. 然后回顾了国内外标准振动计量的研究现状;

    Secondly , the present research status on standard vibration metrology at home and abroad is surveyed .

  20. 当金属在高温下受到应力时,就会发生蠕变。金属高温蠕变及持久强度试验国内外标准比较

    Comparison Between Domestic and Overseas Standards for High-temperature Creep , Creep-rupture and Stress-rupture Testing of Metallic Materials

  21. 其次文章对国内外标准化发展的过程进行了简要的概述。

    Secondly , the paper provided a brief overview on the development of domestic and international standardization process .

  22. 淬灭校正的方法有很多,外标准校正法是一种比较可靠的方法。

    In this paper , the tritium external standard calibration method was used for the correction of quenching effect .

  23. 综合概述了套接式管接头的特点、应用、国内外标准等。

    This article outlines the features , application and applicable standards at home and abroad of casing pipe union , etc.

  24. 分析了《城镇燃气设计规范》与国内外标准的异同。

    The sameness and difference between Code for Design of City Gas Engineering and internal and external standards are analyzed .

  25. 采用外标准校正法适合于大批样品的测量。

    The calibration method has been applied to the liquid scintillation measurements of tritium radioactivity in water samples with satisfactory results .

  26. 从国内外标准体系的相关比较看修订GB/T6987-2001《铝及铝合金化学分析方法》标准的必要性

    Revising the GB / T 6987-2001 Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy is necessary by comparing the domestic and abroad standard system

  27. 该方法紧密围绕以人为本的思想,以相关的国内外标准及行业标准为依据,结合计算机辅助技术,对装载机驾驶室这个人机系统进行总体设计。

    Based on the concept of " human-oriented ", the general design of loader cab was performed by the aid of CAD technology and relative industry standards .

  28. 就蒸发式冷风扇制冷能力的评定参数及其量测方法,结合国内外标准,进行了分析和探讨。

    Combining with both the domestic and foreign standards , the Cooling Capacity Rating Parameters and Its Measurement Methods for Evaporative Air Coolers Were Analyzed and Discussed .

  29. 对于国内外标准存在的差异,提出了修改我国结构用无缝钢管标准的建议,以使我国钢管标准与国际先进标准接轨。

    Addressing these gaps , proposals are put forward to revise the Chinese standards for seamless steel structural tubes in a bid to get it in line with advanced correspondent international standards .

  30. 介绍了国内外标准、规范对不锈钢波纹管、铜管和铝塑复合管等新型管材在室内燃气管道中应用的规定。

    The internal and external standards and codes for new pipe materials , including stainless steel bellows , copper tubing and polyethylene-aluminum-polyethylene composite pipe etc. used for indoor gas pipe are introduced .