
  • 网络foreign exchange trader;dealer;Foreign Exchange Dealer
  1. 银行外汇交易员可以为旅行支票报价。

    The bank " s foreign exchange dealer can quote a rate for changing traveler " s cheque .

  2. 外汇交易员们有一个问题:如果连美联储(Fed)都不担心美元目前的汇率,他们有什么理由要担心?

    Currency traders are asking a question : if the US Federal Reserve is not concerned about the dollar 's current levels , why should they be ?

  3. 结果消息走漏了出去,包括非凡的外汇交易员乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)派代表出席此次聚会这件事。

    The news leaks , including the fact that a representative of currency trader extraordinaire George Soros was present .

  4. 外汇交易员表示,美国经济前景恶化,可能使美元“套息交易”(carrytrade)重新流行,即投资者利用美国的低利率投资高息货币。

    Currency traders said the worsening outlook for the US economy raised the prospect of a return of the so-called dollar " carry trade " , in which investors take advantage of low US interest rates to invest in higher-yielding currencies .

  5. 当她最初步入银行业时,这是一个“稳定的职业……我父母就希望这个。”她一开始是在法兰克福担任外汇交易员,后来就职于德意志交易所(DeutscheB?rse),在伦敦工作。

    When she originally embarked on a banking career , it was a " solid profession ? . ? . ? . ? that 's what my parents thought . " First , she worked in Frankfurt as a forex trader and then for Deutsche B ? rse in London .

  6. 外汇交易员称,瑞郎购买量处于异常高位。

    Currency traders have reported unusually high levels of Franc buying .

  7. 然而,外汇交易员们似乎并未留意这一点。

    But currency traders appear not to have noticed .

  8. 外汇交易员相信韩国央行周三和周四在外汇市场进行了干预。

    Currency traders believe the central bank intervened in the currency market Wednesday and Thursday .

  9. 外汇交易员们上周确信,另一个广场协议就要产生了。

    Forex traders convinced themselves last week that another Plaza Accord is in the offing .

  10. 尽管外汇交易员们喜欢这种汇率波动,但它们可能造成很大的经济影响。

    While fun for currency traders , such swings in exchange rates can have big economic repercussions .

  11. 2006年,英国央行官员和一些高级外汇交易员召开会议讨论了外汇市场的操纵问题。

    A meeting of BoE officials and senior forex dealers in 2006 discussed manipulation of currency markets .

  12. 短期而言,明显的赢家将是正确把握时机的外汇交易员。

    In the short term , the obvious winners will be currency traders who get their timing right .

  13. 机器学习算法已经开始取代并购业务银行家和外汇交易员之类的岗位。

    Machine learning algorithms are already starting to supplant the likes of mergers and acquisition bankers and currency traders .

  14. 根据外汇交易员的说法,贸易顺差不再是汇率波动和资金流动的主要推动因素。

    According to currency traders the trade surplus is no longer the driving force behind exchange rate movements and capital flows .

  15. 外汇交易员喜欢将“行动”理解为干预;当然,这正是野田佳彦所希望的。

    Currency traders like to translate action as intervention ; which is , of course , precisely what Mr Noda hopes .

  16. 就在拿高薪的外汇交易员们犹豫不决之时,“渡边太太”已将获利兑现,并开始博得投资天才的美名。

    While highly-paid foreign-exchange traders dithered , Mrs Watanabe cashed in and began to acquire the reputation of an investing genius .

  17. 金管局谨慎地附加了一些适度强硬的语句,实际上是提醒外汇交易员注意,后面不会再采取更激进的行动。

    MAS was careful to attach some suitably tough language , in effect putting Currency Traders on notice that more aggressive action will not follow .

  18. 外汇交易员们表示,周二上午人民币汇率大幅下挫,当天下午,他们看到大型国有银行集体买入了人民币。

    Forex traders said they saw concerted renminbi buying by big state banks on Tuesday afternoon , following a big drop in the renminbi that morning .

  19. 随着人们对中国经济前景的担忧加剧,外汇交易员减少了押在人民币对美元将继续升值上的赌注。

    As concerns over the outlook for the Chinese economy intensify , currency traders have scaled down their bets that the renminbi will continue to strengthen against the dollar .

  20. 在交易量急剧下降、表明投资者已经提前停止交易之后,外汇交易员已经为年底市场的不寻常波动做好了准备。

    Foreign exchange traders are braced for an unusually volatile end to the year , after a sharp fall-off in volumes signalled that many investors have closed their books early .

  21. 他掩盖付款操作、销毁文件、让足球官员使用并非自己名下的银行账号,并通过外汇交易员隐藏这些款项。

    He covered up his payments , shredding papers , telling soccer officials to use accounts that were not in their own name , and using currency dealers to hide the payments .

  22. 上海的外汇交易员表示近期人民币汇率走强掩盖了中国央行是如何活跃地管理汇率的。

    Currency traders in Shanghai , where the yuan trades , say recent strength has masked how much more active the People 's Bank of China has become in managing the exchange rate .

  23. 外汇交易员表示,央行成为了欧元的最大卖家之一,一反它们通常的操作策略&当欧元贬值时买入欧元,以实现本国外汇储备多元化。

    Currency traders said central banks were among the biggest sellers of the euro – reversing their normal pattern of buying the single currency when it weakens to diversify their stockpiles of foreign exchange reserves .

  24. 可悲的是,在美国,这场原则性的辩论与另一场围绕赤字的近乎超现实的辩论交织在了一起,其中围绕赤字的辩论正在债券和外汇交易员们面前展开。

    Sadly , in the US this principled argument is entwined with an almost surreal one about the deficit , which is being argued out in real time in front of an audience of bond and currency traders .

  25. 同样在周三,中国外汇市场的交易员们纷纷买入美元,他们卖出美元的意愿是如此之低,以致于外汇买卖在盘中一度陷于停顿。

    Again on Wednesday , traders in China 's currency market scrambled for dollars , showing such a reluctance to sell them that currency trading ground to a halt for part of the session .

  26. 外汇主管和交易员表示,对冲基金正在放弃尝试从外汇交易中赚钱,转而从事利率和股票交易,在当前的市场环境下,利率和股票更容易预测。

    FX heads and traders say hedge funds are giving up trying to make money in currencies and are instead trading interest rates and equities , which are seen as more predictable in the present market environment .

  27. “胖手指失误”指的是金融市场中的键盘输入错误,比如股票市场或者外汇交易市场。交易员在输入购买或者出售指令时出现非常大的偏差,比如交易的股票或合约有误,价格有误,或者出现其他的输入错误。

    A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .

  28. 但他们说,该行债券、外汇和大宗商品交易员今年的奖金预计将较去年下降5%。

    But J.P. Morgan 's bond , currency and commodities traders are projected to see their compensation drop 5 % from last year 's levels , said the people .

  29. 外汇市场由银行的外汇交易员和经纪人组成,分为两大部分:即期交易市场和远期交易市场。

    The Foreign Exchange market consists of the exchange dealers of the banks and the exchange brokers . It is made up of two sections : the spot market for spot transactions , and the forward market for forward transactions .

  30. 这些奖金将推迟到对银行外汇交易部门潜在不当行为的调查结束之后发放。顶尖外汇交易员的奖金可高达200万美元。

    The bonuses – which can be as high as $ 2m for top forex traders – will be withheld until reviews into potential wrongdoing in the banks ' currencies trading units are concluded .