
wài xiāo yuán
  • export sales staff
  1. 没有公司盖章可以报考外销员?

    Can you enter oneself for an examination without firm stamp export member ?

  2. 我想报考今年的外销员考试,请问大家知道这方面的信息吗?

    I want to enter oneself for an examination the export this year member exam , does excuse me everybody know the news of this respect ?

  3. 我公司负责人和外销员将在广州接待你们。5年或以上服装外销员的经验,有婴儿装工作经验的人优先考虑。

    The responsible members and sales representatives of this Corporation will be there to receive you . Manufacturing background or working experience in a buying office is an advantage .

  4. 本人并非外贸行业的新手,我对世界贸易组织如何运作了如指掌,所以我完全有把握当好外销员。

    I 'm not a green hand at foreign trade . I have a clear idea of how WTO works . So I 'm confident of being a good export sale staff member .