
  • 网络exchange fund;Forex Fund
  1. 这个数字还不包括外汇基金(ExchangeFund)中储备的6350亿美元,港府设立这一基金是为了保障港币与美元挂钩的做法,与此同时,该基金本身则产生了大量盈余。

    That figure does not include excess reserves of 635 billion dollars in the Exchange Fund , which the government set up to backstop the local currency 's peg to the United States dollar and which generates its own large surpluses .

  2. 投资于外汇基金债券有甚么风险?

    What are the risks of investing in exchange fund notes ?

  3. 外汇基金则享有铸币收益。

    Thus the fund enjoys the seigniorage of the currency notes .

  4. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是纸币与硬币的发行。

    Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency issuance .

  5. 外汇基金票据计划1993年扩展至外汇基金债券。

    Exchange fund bills programme expanded to exchange fund notes in1993 .

  6. 外汇基金咨询委员会〔香港金融管理局〕

    Exchange Fund Advisory Committee [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  7. 外汇基金债券的投标会在何时举行?

    When will tender for exchange fund notes be held ?

  8. 外汇基金债券的持有人会在何时获派付利息?

    When will holders of exchange fund notes be paid the interest ?

  9. 购置办事处的费用将由外汇基金支付。

    The cost of purchase would be charged to the exchange fund .

  10. 朱兆荃先生负责外汇基金的投资管理。

    Francis Chu is responsible for the investment management of the exchange fund .

  11. 外汇基金票据及债券的市值。

    Market value of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes .

  12. 外汇基金债券投标结果会于何时公布?

    When will the results of the exchange fund notes tenders be available ?

  13. 外汇基金累计盈余达2665亿元。

    The accumulated surplus of the Exchange Fund amounted to $ 266.5 billion .

  14. 新闻稿:发行编号2708外汇基金债券非竞争性投标结果。

    Press release : results of non-competitive tender for exchange fund notes no.2708 .

  15. 哪些外汇基金债券可供零售投资认购?

    Which issues of exchange fund notes are available for subscription by retail investors ?

  16. 外汇基金票据和债券达1019亿元。

    Of this , Exchange Fund Bills and Notes amounted to $ 101.9 billion .

  17. 又是公布外汇基金管理初步结果的时候。

    It is time again to hand in the preliminary report on reserve management .

  18. 希望市民大众对外汇基金这些初步数字会感到满意。

    I hope the community finds these preliminary numbers on the exchange fund satisfactory .

  19. 参与投标以认购外汇基金债券需办理甚么手续?

    What are the detailed procedures for subscribing to exchange fund notes in tenders ?

  20. 年内,外汇基金票据及债券的平均每日成交量为161亿元。

    The daily turnover of Exchange Fund paper during 1999 averaged $ 16.1 billion .

  21. 年内,发行外汇基金债券的平均超额认购倍数约为2.9倍。

    The average over-subscription rate for the Note issues was about 2.9 times in 1999 .

  22. 香港外汇基金约有86%的资产以美元持有。

    The exchange fund holds about 86 per cent of its assets in US dollars .

  23. 投资者如何取得有关新发行外汇基金债券的资料?

    How can investors obtain detailed information about specific new issue of exchange fund notes ?

  24. 外汇基金自成立以来,一直作为支持发行纸币的资产。

    Since its inception , the fund has held the backing to the note issue .

  25. 外币资产存放在外汇基金及土地基金。

    The foreign currency assets are held in the exchange fund and the land fund .

  26. 投资策略必须配合外汇基金的特殊目标。

    The investment strategy must meet the needs of the special objectives of the fund .

  27. 银行可利用外汇基金票据债券作为即日回购协议的抵押品,以获取免息即日流动资金。

    Banks can obtain interest-free intraday liquidity through intraday repo using exchange fund bills notes .

  28. 金管局负责管理外汇基金。

    The HKMA manages the Exchange Fund .

  29. 一般投资者如何于第二市场买卖外汇基金债券?

    How can retail investors purchase and sell Exchange Fund Notes in the secondary market ?

  30. 甚么是外汇基金债券?

    What are exchange fund notes ?