
  • 网络currency futures market;forward exchange market;foreign exchange futures market
  1. 为此,我们提出了组对冲套期保值模型,希望这一模型的提出能为在外汇期货市场上有套期保值交易需求的企业提供一些新的思路。

    We hope this model could provide some new ideas for enterprises in foreign currency futures market to manage the risk .

  2. 随着银行对期权市场提供各种财政金融方面的服务,这一市场发展迅猛。,而外汇期货市场则显得越来越多余了,是不是这样?

    With the development of the currency options market in treasury services provided by banks , the forward rate market is becoming anyhow redundant , isn 't it ?

  3. 但一份报告显示,越南5月的消费价格涨幅较上年同期高出25%,令越南盾在外汇期货市场的价格下跌,同时引发人们担忧将会出现金融危机。

    But a report that consumer price inflation was25 % higher in May from a year earlier knocked down the value of the local currency in futures markets and set off worries about a financial crisis .

  4. 金融市场包括货币市场,股票市场,债券市场,外汇市场,期货市场等。

    Financial markets , including money market , stock market , bond market , foreign exchange market , futures market .

  5. 一些行家认为,外汇期权市场发展起来,将在今后几年取代外汇期货市场。

    Some experts say that the currency market may develop to replace forward contracts over the next few years .