
  1. 餐饮业废油脂回用饮食市场的鉴别和危害性研究

    Study on Recognition and Harm of Waste Edible Oils in the Restaurants

  2. 丰富饮食市场,弘扬中国烹调文化,是本食品制造厂的神圣使命。

    This food factory 's sacred mission is to enrich the catering market and promote Chinese culinary art .

  3. 为了丰富饮食市场,弘扬中国烹调文化,本酒厂再向社会奉献新酿。

    In order to enrich the catering market and promote Chinese culinary arts , our winery has again made a new kind ( of wine ) for offer to society .

  4. 另外,诸如对于盛器的选择过于简单和随意,在宣传上不太到位等等一系列的原因,山东面点在当今的饮食市场竞争中处于了一种相对的弱势地位。

    Moreover , due to reasons such as simplistic and arbitrary choices of dish containers , insufficient public advertisement and promotion , Shandong pastry is in a disadvantaged position in the food market competition today .

  5. 栏目宗旨:聚焦饮食市场信息、丰富大众餐桌美食、感受饮食生活体验、尽享健康美食品味。

    The goal of the program is to provide with food information on the marketplace , to help to have your dinner table more diversified with gourmet experience and let you enjoy the healthy and delicious food .

  6. 然而,肥胖是否跟饮食业的市场策略和缺少体育课有直接关系得视情况而定。

    However , the evidence linking obesity to food industry marketing and lack of gym class is circumstantial .

  7. 该计划还将帮助生产者满足饮食标准的清真市场。

    The program will also help producers meet the dietary standards of the halal market .

  8. 这并不是说饮食和运动不重要,无论怎样,肥胖是否直接跟饮食业的市场策略和缺少体育课有关系得视情况而言。研究人员指出:睡眠不足也是诱发肥胖的一大因素。

    That 's not to say that diet and exercise aren 't important . However , the evidence linking obesity to food industry marketing and lack of gym class is circumstantial . Lack of sleep is one , they say .

  9. 本文对荆楚饮食文化的起源及其特色、近现代中西饮食文化交流中的武汉饮食市场、荆楚小吃的地方特色与文化特色等做了探讨,由此反映出荆楚饮食文化兼容并包的包容性。

    This paper introduces the origin and characteristics of Jingchu dietary culture , the dietary market of Wuhan and Jingchu snack , which demonstrates compatibility and open-mindedness of the Jingchu dietary culture .