
  • 网络Was about;Principles of Correct Diet
  1. 《饮膳正要》的史料来源。

    Second , the source of the materials for " Yin Shan Zheng Yao " .

  2. 摘要《饮膳正要》是蒙元宫廷饮食谱,具有较高的史料价值。

    Yin Shan Zheng yao , a cookbook of the yuan court , is of high historical value .

  3. 总之,《饮膳正要》不愧为是我国第一部营养学专著,也是古代一部重要的食疗和药膳专书。

    In short , " Yin Shan Zheng Yao " is worthy of the title is the first monograph on the Department of Nutrition and is also an important ancient diet books and foods .

  4. 笔者相信,随着学术界对《饮膳正要》研究的持续深入开展,该书会为越来越多的群众所知,并应用于日常生活之中。

    I believe that with the academic community to " Yin Shan Zheng Yao ", the continuing depth research , the book will be more and more people know , and applied to daily life .