
yǐn pǐn
  • soft drinks
  1. 软饮品通常称为无益零食,因为它没有多少营养,反而大大危害人体健康。

    SOFT drinks are often called junk foods because they have little to offer in terms of nutrition , but plenty in terms of health risks .

  2. 咖啡厅有精美自助餐和欧陆早餐、午餐、晚餐及各类饮品供您选择。

    The coffee shop provides you with delicate buffet , soft drinks of all kinds as well as breakfast , lunch and dinner of the true Continental European style .

  3. 草药用于调制提神饮品已有好几个世纪了。

    Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks .

  4. 上饭菜时不要同时上汤水或饮品,因为这会影响消化。

    No liquids are served with meals because they interfere with digestion .

  5. 咖啡因是茶、咖啡之类饮品中的活性成分。

    Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee .

  6. 这种橙汁饮品不含人造甜味剂。

    This orange drink contains no artificial sweetener .

  7. 其中一种此类流行要引饮是“维·麻里亚尼”,它是将古柯叶萃取物和红酒混合在一起的法国饮品。

    One such popular medicinal drink was Vin Mariani , a French product consisting of coca extract mixed with red wine .

  8. 例如啤酒花,这种给许多现代啤酒增添了一丝苦味的东西,其实是在相当近的时间才加到这种饮品中去的。

    Hops , for example , which give many a modern beer its bitter flavor , are a relatively recent addition to the beverage .

  9. 对墨西哥税收的初步审查发现,被收税的酒水购买力下降,而未征税的更健康饮品的销售量却有所上升。

    A preliminary review of Mexico 's taxation found a fall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks .

  10. 一些智能家庭可以接待访客,迎客进屋并且为客人奉上饮品。

    Some smart homes can receive a visitor , allowing him to come in and offering him a drink .

  11. 另外,购买两样商品可以获赠克莱奥咖啡免费饮品卡一张!

    What is more , if you buy two , you can get a card for a free drink at Cleo 's Caf é !

  12. 拿铁艺术(latteart),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或拿铁等牛奶咖啡饮品的表面用奶泡画出图案或者进行微型雕花的艺术,也就是俗称的咖啡拉花。

    Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art , is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte .

  13. 天和核心舱有120多种食品和饮品。

    There are more than 120 kinds of food and beverages , named Tianhe , or Harmony of Heavens .

  14. 最近在全国推出了含有椰奶和杏仁奶的饮品,部分地区推出了燕麦奶。

    They recently rolled out coconut milk - and almond milk-based drinks nationally , as well as oat milk in select locations .

  15. “笑喷”指的是在听到或看到一些有趣或惊讶的事情时,口中突然喷出正在喝的饮品。

    It 's called a spit take . Spit take is an act of suddenly spitting out liquid one is drinking in response to something funny or surprising :

  16. 这家创意酒吧不提供酒精饮品,但首先会有“宿醉检查员”来对你进行呼吸测试,看你体内是不是还有酒精。

    The innovative1 bar doesn 't serve alcohol , but ' hangover inspectors2 ' breathalyse you on the way in to check you still have alcohol in your system .

  17. 看过喜剧的人对这样的场景不会陌生:剧中一位人物正在喝东西,另一位人物做了一些让人吃惊或者觉得离谱的事情,正在喝东西的人当场把嘴里的饮品喷出来,这就是“笑喷”。

    The act itself is familiar to anyone who 's ever watched comedy : One character takes a swig or bite of something just as another character says or does something shocking1 or outrageous2 , causing the first character to spew out the contents of his or her mouth .

  18. 但从20世纪以来,“Wine”这个词已经狭义为“用葡萄发酵得到的酒精饮品”。

    Since the beginning of the20th century , the meaning has been narrowed down to " the alcoholic beverage made from grapes " .

  19. 冷冻饮品质量控制HACCP方式

    HACCP Mode for Frozen Drink Quality Control

  20. 本研究根据HACCP系统的基本原理和方法,以佳木斯市所属20家冷冻饮品加工厂为研究对象。

    Our research was on the basis of principle of HACCP about 20 factories producing freezed food .

  21. 奶昔(英文中又简称为shake),是一种香甜冰爽的奶制饮品,其原料通常为冰淇淋或牛奶,有时两者兼备。

    A milkshake , or simply a shake , is a sweet , cold dairy-based drink usually made with ice cream , milk or both .

  22. 在一些国家这种饮品更多的是被称作“Capheda”,而越南冰咖啡这个名字仅仅是为了显示其越南“血统”。

    In some countries it 's more popular and known as Ca phe da , and the name simply suggests its traditional Vietnamese roots .

  23. 我的公司受到瞩目是因为我们提供低糖有机饮品,先是针对成人的HonestTea,接着是面向更广大人群的HonestAde和HonestKids。

    And my company rose to prominence by offering lower-sugar organic drinks first for adults with honest tea , then to the broader population , with honest ade and honest kids .

  24. TeaAMagazine是首个完全以茶为内容的杂志,书中不仅介绍了各种茶饮品,还从艺术、音乐、文学、历史、健康与社会等角度介绍了茶的重要地位。

    Tea A Magazine is a first consumer publication all about tea , both as a beverage and for its cultural significance in art , music , literature , history , health , and society .

  25. 尽管探讨这个敏感话题充满风险,“BBC未来”栏目还是决定对每种饮品的相对优点进行评估。

    Despite the dangers of wading into such a charged argument , BBC Future decided to weigh up the relative merits of each drink .

  26. 利用PB修饰电极结合二氧化硅溶胶凝胶技术制备的葡萄糖氧化酶电极应用于果汁饮品中葡萄糖含量的测定研究。

    The novel glucose oxidase electrode based on Prussian Blue ( PB ) - modified electrode combined with SiO2 sol-gel immobilization has been used to determinate the glucose content in juices and beverages .

  27. 如果我们给出更甜、更便宜的配方,HonestTea本可以发展得更快,但因为我们坚持低糖、有机配方,我们给拥挤的饮品架注入了有意义的差异化。

    Honest tea would have grown faster if we had created sweeter and cheaper recipes , but because we stuck to low-sugar , organic formulations , we developed a meaningful point of differentiation on congested beverage shelves .

  28. 试喝该饮品的本·福尔曼(BenForeman)在接受剑桥学生刊物《TheTab》的采访时说:“令我们吃惊的是,我们所有试喝了OHAYO的人醒来都感觉很不错。”

    Speaking to student newspaper The Tab , tester Ben Foreman said : " To the surprise of all involved , everyone who tried it with me woke up feeling great .

  29. 这样,如果成群结队的球迷今夏手握百事饮品杯或头戴有google标识的帽子去观看比赛,他们可能就得交出这些东西,或者被禁止入场,以保护真正的赞助商可口可乐和雅虎公司。

    Thus if hordes of fans turn up at one of the games this summer carrying Pepsi drink-tumblers or wearing Google caps , they may have to hand them over or be barred entry to protect the real sponsors-coke and Yahoo !

  30. 一处热闹的厨房区,放置着摆满麦片盒的架子,以及塞满软饮的巨大冰箱,里面有许多瓶德国咖啡因饮料ClubMate,这已成了这家柏林游戏开发商的首选饮品。

    A bustling kitchen area has shelves stacked with cereal boxes and giant fridges packed with soft drinks , including plenty of bottles of the German caffeinated drink Club Mate , which has become the Berlin developer 's beverage of choice .