
wài nǎo
  • talent of other countries or units that can be tapped;outside brainpower
  1. 脑外脑积水的CT表现(附31例报告)

    CT manifestation of external hydrocephalus ( added to 31 cases reports )

  2. CT鉴别脑外脑积水与脑萎缩

    CT Differentiation of the ExternaL Hydrocephalus from CerebraL Atrophy

  3. 结论对于突发性聋患者,应常规行头颅CT或MRI检查。以除外脑梗塞性病变。

    Conclusion CT and MRI should routinely be taken for patients with sudden hearing loss in order to exclude the possibility suffering from cerebral infarction .

  4. ICAM-1、VCAM-1介导循环中的白细胞与内皮细胞黏附,进而浸润到血管外脑实质,导致缺血后炎症;

    ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 promote ischemic inflammation through mediating leukocytes adhesion to the endothelial cells and eventually migration into brain tissue ;

  5. 此外脑梗塞组的淡、红、紫舌色与脑出血组的红、紫、绛3种舌色的GMP-140均呈递增性改变,红舌的组间相比也有显著差异。

    Furthermore , the color of pale , red and purple tongue in the infarction group and red , purple , and scarlet color of the tongue in the cerebral hemorrhage group all revealed progressive changes . Comparison of red tongue between the 2 groups also showed significant difference .

  6. 利用外脑和在野党等体制外资源,增强决策的科学性;

    Utilize resources outside such as opposition party to enhance scientific policy making ;

  7. 充分利用“外脑”资源促进高等职业教育的改革与发展

    Promoting Reform and Development of Vocational Higher Education by Introducing " External Brain " Resources

  8. 血管内支架成形术治疗外科高危的复杂型颅外脑供血动脉狭窄

    Endovascular therapy of complexity extracranial artery stenosis in patients at high surgical risk with stent

  9. 脑分水岭梗死患者颅内/外脑动脉狭窄支架成形术的疗效观察

    Effect of Stenting of Extra - and Intra-cranial Artery Stenosis in Patient with Cerebral Watershed Infarction

  10. 顶多脑子的一些零件还在孤立地工作,而这只是次外脑部分的一些火花。

    At best , isolated parts of the brain still function , mere sparks in the sub-cortex .

  11. 咨询企业作为提供智力服务的外脑,其网络化建设的意义尤为重要。

    As Out Brain providing intelligence service , consulting enterprises is especially need to research its network construction .

  12. 颅内外脑动脉狭窄血管内支架成形术治疗的对比研究

    Clinical study on comparing of the therapy for intracranial and extracranial cerebral artery stenosis with endovascular stenting angioplasty

  13. 企业培训课程设计实行‘外脑’指导、培训教师、员工、领导,乃至客户共同参与的合作模式是企业的理性选择。

    Business training courses design adopting training teachers , staffs , leaders , and even customers to participate in cooperative business model is a rational choice .

  14. 智库是为政策制定者提供有效信息、专家意见和多种可供选择的方案的特殊的独立机构,在公共政策制定中充当决策外脑的角色。

    Think-tank is a kind of dependent institute acting as external brain for policy decision maker which can provide useful information , expert opinion and alternative plan .

  15. (外脑精华北京)中国经济的高增长率每年都会让西方的评论家和商业领袖敬畏交加。

    With each passing year , China 's hyper-growth story continues to inspire a mixture of awe and fear among commentators and business executives in the West .

  16. 目前,管理咨询业己经成为现代社会经济体系中不可或缺的一部分,管理咨询公司的外脑作用已日渐为国内企业界广泛认识和接受,寻求管理咨询已经成为企业借助外脑提升竞争力的重要方面。

    Now , management consulting is an important part of modern social economical system , the helping function of management consulting enterprises is acknowledged and accepted by many enterprises .

  17. 为了打造易达菲精品,在现有科研力量的基础上发展外脑机构,实现智慧无限延展。

    To hit to make E ? D ? F elaboration , on the foundation of existing research strength , developing outside brain organization and realizing wisdom extend limitlessly .

  18. 分析脑电信号,研究其与大脑功能状态的关系,如许多学者把脑电作为研究认知和思维的重要工具,这始终都是国内外脑科学的研究热点之一。

    Analyzing the Electroencephalogram and studying the relationship between the state of brain function and it which is an important cognitive and thinking tool of many researchers in the field of Electroencephalogram .

  19. 选择2001-03/06老年大学在读的老年大学生52例作为对照组(除外脑血管疾病病史者),男33例,女19例,平均年龄(62.7±5.4)岁。

    Fifty two healthy elderly subjects were included as the control group , consisting of 33 male and 19 female subjects aged ( 62.7 ± 5.4 ) years free of cerebrovascular diseases .

  20. 改革开放三十年以来,本土管理咨询业取得了辉煌的成就,不断成长的管理咨询公司为正在参与国际竞争的企业提供了及时高效的外脑支持。

    Local management consulting industry has achieved spectacular results , the continuously growing management consulting firms are providing a timely and efficient " out brain support " to the local firms which taking part in international competition .

  21. 本文对我国射击与射箭运动发展中的3个热点问题:优秀运动员运动寿命、备战奥运会科研工作、外脑进行了初步探讨。

    The issues that should be paid attention to the development of shooting and archery in China , such as sport life span of elite athletes , external brain , and scientific research for winning the gold medal in the future Olympic Games , are studied .