
wài lái zhí wù
  • Exotic plants;alien plant;introduced plant
  1. 不受欢迎的生物多样性:香港的外来植物物种

    The bad biodiversity : alien plant species in Hong Kong

  2. 增加叶氮向光合机构分配的进化促进外来植物入侵

    Evolutionarily Increased Nitrogen Allocation to Photosynthesis Facilitates Successful Invasion in an Alien Plant Species

  3. 其中菊科(Composite)外来植物居首位,共13种;

    There are 13 species of composite weeds , ranking first ;

  4. NW假说为化感作为外来植物入侵的一种机制奠定了理论基础,为外来入侵植物的防治提供了理论依据,但作为一种较新的理论假说,还需要更多的实验研究加以支持。

    NW hypothesis established the theoretical basis for allelopathy as one of the mechanisms of exotic plant invasion , and provided the theoretical grounds for prevention of exotic invasive plants , but more studies should be conducted to support this new hypothesis .

  5. 外来植物有害生物入侵及其对策

    Strategies to counter the invasion of exotic and harmful plant pests

  6. 外来植物入侵对土壤生物多样性和生态系统过程的影响

    Impacts of exotic plant invasions on soil biodiversity and ecosystem processes

  7. 厦门市外来植物入侵风险评价指标体系的研究

    The Research of Alien Plants Risk Assessment System in Xiamen Municipality

  8. 贵州黔南地区外来植物逸生及危害调查

    Growth and Control of Exotic Plant in Qiannan Areas of Guizhou

  9. 外来植物的入侵过程往往伴随着强烈的化感作用。

    Strong allelopathy often accompanied by the invasion progress of exotic plants .

  10. 外来植物种的入侵危害及预防对策

    The Invasion Danger of Outside Plant Species and Preventive Countermeasures

  11. 山东省外来植物的区系特征及空间分布

    Floristic characteristics and spatial distribution patterns of alien plants in Shandong Province

  12. 两种外来植物季节生长动态的研究

    A Study on the Seasonal Growing Dynamics of Exotic Plants

  13. 八种菊科外来植物种子形态与生理生化特征的差异

    Anatomical and physiological differences of eight exotic species from Asteraceae

  14. 应用能量利用特性对外来植物入侵潜力的判别分析研究

    A discriminant analysis in evaluating invasive potential using energy-use properties

  15. 外来植物入侵机理及国家治理策略

    The mechanism of invasive Plant and national control strategy

  16. 综述了与外来植物入侵相关的理论假说。

    This article briefly reviewed the theories and hypothesis about exotic invasive plants .

  17. 外来植物物种的引进对路域生态的影响

    Influence of Foreign Plant Species on Ecology Environment in the Region of Highway

  18. 火与外来植物相互关系的研究进展

    The Relationship between Fire and Invasive Plant Species

  19. 安徽省外来植物研究

    Study on the Alien Plants in Anhui Province

  20. 江苏沿海地区主要外来植物种类调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Species of Main Exotic Plants in Coastland of Jiangsu Province

  21. 外来植物病虫害的危害性、传播途径及防治对策

    Harmfulness and Dissemination of Invasive Plant Diseases and Insect Pests and Their Control Strategies

  22. 大连地区外来植物的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the foreign plants in Dalian

  23. 海南岛外来植物群落初探

    Preliminary Studies on Exotic Plant Communities in Hainan

  24. 水、盐梯度及外来植物入侵对河口湿地土壤甲烷产生潜力的影响

    Effects of Water-Salinity Properties and Plant Invasion on Estuarine Wetland Soil Methane Production Potential

  25. 外来植物的入侵机制及其生态风险评价

    Exotic plant invasion and its ecological risk assessment

  26. 外来植物入侵的化感作用机制探讨

    Discussion on allelopathy mechanism of exotic plant invasion

  27. 每年落叶的丛生的亚洲灌木或小树;移到美国东部的外来植物。

    Deciduous clump-forming Asian shrub or small tree ; adventive in the eastern United States .

  28. 外来植物南美蟛蜞菊的繁殖特性

    Reproductive Characteristics of Alien Plant Wedelia trilobata

  29. 山东省农业外来植物入侵现状及防治对策分析

    Analysis of the present situation and control strategies of the agricultural alien plants in Shandong Province

  30. 主要有害外来植物对长沙市植物群落特征的影响研究

    The Influence Study of Main Harmful Exotic Plants on the Characteristics of Plants Community of Changsha