
  • 网络leak;External Leakage;extravasation;Outboard
  1. 化疗药物外漏后不同封闭次数的效果观察

    Effect Observation of Different Blocking Times after Chemotherapy Drug Extravasation

  2. 对金属辅助密封结构,有效地控制阀门的内漏和外漏。

    To metal seal is provided to effectively prevent both internal and external leakage of the valve .

  3. 骨水泥外漏发生率A组为25.7%,B组为26.9%,C组为38.0%。

    The rate of leakage of PMMA was 25.7 % in group A , 26.9 % in group B and 38.0 % in group C.

  4. 结果MMC外漏(对照组)后100%出现组织损伤。

    Results All animals developed tissue injure after MMC leakage ( model group ) .

  5. 红细胞衰老时P(50)改变、Hb和K~+的外漏及麦芽醇的保护作用

    The change in the level of P_ ( 50 ), Hb , K ~ + leaking out from human red cells during aging and the antioxidant action of maltol on erythrocyte aging

  6. 结论:结合临床,CT在穿孔早期依据腹腔游离气体能及时、正确地做出定性诊断,并根据造影剂外漏、包裹性病变的部位可提示定位诊断。

    Conclusions : In combination with clinical data , the early diagnosis of perforation of gastroduodenal ulcer can be made according to CT findings , and location of the perforation could be determined by leakage or encapsulation of contrast medium .

  7. R512型高性能无销中线蝶阀在引进国外先进技术的基础上采用轻柔的接触式阀座和优良的多重密封构造能有效防止外漏。

    R512 type High performance concentric butterfly valvesadvanced foreign technology on the basis of soft contact seat sealing structure multiple can effectively prevent leakage .

  8. 分析了LW6-220型断路器液压机构渗漏油的原因及判断方法;分析了液压机构出现内漏、外漏的各种可能因素。

    This paper introduces the leakage causes of LW 6-220 hydraulically driven device , basis analysis and judgement method for possible factor about inside leakage and outside leakage and provides correspond treatment technique and method .

  9. 2胆液外漏、胆石掉出。

    Second factor was leakage of bile and drop of gallstone .

  10. 精选高密度防绒布,防止细小绒球外漏。

    Selected high-density cover to prevent the leakage of small down .

  11. 1例克林霉素外漏引起局部损伤的护理

    Nursing on 1 Cases of Local Injury Caused by Outleakage of Clindamycin

  12. 日本政府证实福岛核能发电厂辐射线已外漏!

    Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants .

  13. 高压换热器外漏分析及解决方法

    An Analysis of the Leaking Problem of the High-pressure Heat-Exchanger

  14. 这一功能作为一个抗反流程序也可以防止尿液外漏。

    This functions as an anti-reflux procedure , also preventing urine leakage .

  15. 本文为套管外漏治理提供了经验。

    The paper offers some experiences in treating casing leakage .

  16. 三用阀外漏原因分析及治理

    Analysis on Three - way Valve Leakage and Governance

  17. 长春瑞滨外漏组织损伤后局部封闭的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Local Blockade in the Tissue Damage by Extravasation of Vinorelbine

  18. 丝裂霉素外漏致组织损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Study on MMC Leakage-induced Tissue Injury

  19. 冷却水的内漏和物料的外漏不但影响环境,并且会提高氧化铝加工成本。

    Which will not only affects the environment but also raises the cost of alumina .

  20. 通过对燃油三用阀外漏现象的分析,查出三用阀外漏的原因。

    Based on the analysis on oil-fired engineered valve leakage , finds out the reason of leakage .

  21. 外漏会造成物料损失,污染环境,严重时还会造成事故。

    Leakage would cause material loss , pollution of the environment , it will result in serious accidents .

  22. 黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。

    Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter .

  23. 后两处的泄漏叫做外漏,即介质从阀内泄漏到阀外。

    Leakage after the two called the leakage , that leakage of media from the valve to the valves .

  24. 人们对阀门外漏已相当重视,检测技术和手段也比较成熟。

    The exterior leakage has been paid more attention , and the inspecting technology and method are also developed .

  25. 据认为这一技术堵塞了脑脊液的外漏,使蛛网膜下腔的压力恢复正常。

    This technique is thought to plug the leak of cerebrospinal fluid , restoring pressure in the subarachnoid space to normal .

  26. 而罐装奶粉密封较好气体不容易外漏,有效的遏制各种细菌的生长。

    Canned milk and a better seal gas leak is not easy and effective to contain a variety of bacterial growth .

  27. 尤其是离城市较近的管线,防止阀门的外漏显得尤为重要。

    In particular , closer to the pipeline from the city to prevent the leakage of the valve is particularly important .

  28. 股骨头骨内静脉造影的临床意义椎体静脉造影有利于减少经皮椎体成形术中骨水泥外漏

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF INTRAOSSEOUS VENOGRAPHY OF THE FEMORAL HEAD Intraosseous venography is advantage of preventing the leakage of polymethylmethacrylate during percutaneous vertebroplasty

  29. 对阀进行了试运和串漏、外漏检验,结果表明:阀密封良好,无漏液现象。

    Test run and inspection showed there were no series leak or external leak and the seal property of the valve was perfect .

  30. 香港特别行政区政府在组织上分为局和部门。长春瑞滨外漏组织损伤后局部封闭的实验研究

    The HKSAR Government is organised into bureaux and departments . Experimental Study of Local Blockade in the Tissue Damage by Extravasation of Vinorelbine