
  • Foreign Trading Companies;foreign trade corporation
  1. 英语的确很重要,因为我们公司是外贸公司。

    Tom : English is really important because our company is a foreign trade corporation .

  2. 该外贸公司高标准、高效率的工作,深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉。

    This foreign trade corporation 's work of high standard and efficiency enjoys Chinese and foreign customers ' confidence and praise .

  3. Ann回答说在一家外贸公司做销售人员。考官又问是什么公司,Whereareyouworking?

    Watt : Where are you working ? Ann : I work at Lianfu Foreign Trade Company , Ltd.

  4. 外贸公司推行ISO9000质量体系认证工作中的若干问题

    Problems with foreign trade companies about the certification of ISO9000

  5. 包括从供应商选择,供应商分类管理和供应商绩效考核等方面为MM外贸公司加强供应商管理提出了相应的策略。

    Including supplier selection , supplier management and supplier performance evaluation , such as foreign trade companies for MM Supplier Management to strengthen the corresponding strategy .

  6. 随着我国经济的全面开放和加入WTO,实业投资将成为外贸公司寻求继续发展的一种战略选择。

    With the all sided opening of economy in China and entry into WTO , Industry investment will be an strategic choice for the trade company to seek continuous development .

  7. 本文针对运动防护用品H外贸公司所面临的如何将有限的资源分配于合适的客户,提出了两步客户分类方法。

    In this paper , H foreign trade company of sports protective equipment are facing how to allocate limited resources to the right customers , This paper proposed a two-step customer classification method .

  8. 本文所设计的YT外贸公司部门绩效管理体系仍需在实践中不断改进和完善。

    The YT foreign trade company in the paper needs to improve and complete the performance system of the sector in practice .

  9. 在北京某汽车市场,为北京一家外贸公司工作的29岁的孙晓刚(音)说,他为老板订购了一台林肯领航员(Navigator)。

    At the car market in Beijing , Sun Xiaogang , a 29-year-old staffer for a foreign trading company in Beijing , said he ordered a Navigator for his boss . '

  10. 近年来特别是我国加入WTO后,在贸易主体多元化和市场的竞争环境下,曾作为我国最主要的对外贸易窗口的国有外贸公司面临着严峻的挑战。

    Recently with the subject of trade being multi - dimensional and under the circumstances of competitive market , especially since China 's entering WTO , foreign trade enterprises which used to serve as the major window of national foreign trades are faced with severe challenges .

  11. 日本外贸公司丸红株式会社(Marubeni)估计,今年中国铝产量将增长19%,达到920万吨,而2007年和2008年将分别再增长13%和10%。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading firm , estimates that Chinese output will rise by 19 per cent this year to 9.2m tonnes , with further increases of 13 per cent and 10 per cent in 2007 and 2008 .

  12. 首批三家合资外贸公司试点初探

    COMPANY Analysis on the First Three Piloting Foreign Trade Joint Ventures

  13. 新型的代理制可以是全方位的服务性理念,采用代理制的外贸公司不是单纯的收取手续费,而是要为生产企业开辟市场及营销宣传。

    The new agency system may be the omni-directional service idea .

  14. 国有专业外贸公司持续发展的思考

    On the Continuous Growth of the State-Owned Specialized Foreign Trade Companies

  15. 也有外贸公司为孩子们提供了可爱的娃娃;

    Some foreign trade company provided the kids with lovely dolls .

  16. 国有外贸公司供应链结构分析

    Analysis of Supply Chain Construction of Current State-owned Foreign Trade Company

  17. 入世后,我国国有专业外贸公司持续发展的思考

    WTO and the Sustainable Development of China 's State-owned Foreign Trade Companies

  18. 信息经济学与外贸公司赢利模型设计

    On Informational Economics and Model Programming for Profit - making

  19. 我知道你们是一家声誉良好的外贸公司。

    I know you are a foreign trade company with good reputation .

  20. 我是一家外贸公司的文书。

    I 'm a clerk in a foreign trading company .

  21. 外贸公司计算机网络信息系统建设

    The Construction of Foreign Trade Company Computer Network Information System

  22. 我公司为专业旅游休闲用品的外贸公司。

    I travel and leisure company for professional foreign trade companies supplies .

  23. 新疆区属专业外贸公司亏损问题研究

    Study on the Loss Problems of Xinjiang Foreign Trade Companies

  24. 目前就职于一家外贸公司,从事出口业务。

    Responsable for exporting business in a trade company .

  25. 外贸公司:网络时代重新定位

    The Repositioning for Foreign Trade Companies in Net Era

  26. 我现在在一家外贸公司工作,负责市场营销。

    I 'm in a foreign trade company , is responsible for marketing .

  27. 部分产品经外贸公司出口国际市场。

    Part of products are exported to international Market .

  28. 我们不是外贸公司,我们是具有进出口权的制造商。

    We are not a trading company but a manufacturer with exporting license .

  29. 上海德仁天禄国际贸易有限公司是恒龙集团合作外贸公司。

    Shanghai Dezentelu International Trade Co. , LTD is the cooperator with Hengrui Group .

  30. 论述了国有外贸公司转型发展的必要性。

    And the necessity of transformation for the state-owned foreign trade company is discussed .