
  1. 2004年来到上海甘泉外国语中学留学生部学习。

    She began her study in the Foreign Student Department of Shanghai Ganquan Foreign Languages High School in2004 .

  2. 很荣幸今天来到这里参加外国语中学的推荐生选拔。

    It 's a great honor for me to stand here today to participate the selection of the foreign language school recommendation .

  3. 第三章主要介绍了上海师范大学附属外国语中学第一次双语教学的尝试,结果和现状,以及通过问卷调查和面谈得出的初步结论。

    Chapter Three mainly focuses on the first trial in the school in bilingual teaching , current status , as well as the primary conclusion from the interviews and questionnaire survey .

  4. 第六章节就科学、生物、化学三个学科对世界外国语中学实施双语教学进行个案分析,并对在本校进行的双语教学调查问卷结果进行了分析说明。

    In the sixth chapter , case studies on the practice of bilingual teaching in science , biology , and chemistry are conducted and the result of the survey is explained .

  5. 9月28日,世界外国语中学席时亨校长为长桥及紫阳中学全体英语教师作报告。

    On28 september , Mr Xi Shi heng , principle of Shanghai World Foreign Language Middle school , gave a lecture to all the English teachers of Chang Qiao and Zi Yang middle school .

  6. 第四章节就世界外国语中学双语教学的可行性进行了分析,主要从师资情况、学生情况以及部分学科开展双语教学的可行性进行了详细的分析。

    In the fourth chapter , a detailed analysis can be found . The teaching practice in World Foreign Language Middle School is analyzed with reference to the role of teachers and students and the feasibility of bilingual teaching in some subjects .

  7. 第五章节从总体规划、资源保障、组织保障、氛围营造、课程设计、教材遴选、师资配置和评价标准以及问卷调查设计等层面上对世界外国语中学双语教学体系建设进行了介绍。

    In the fifth chapter , the system of bilingual teaching in Shanghai World Foreign Language Middle School is introduced , including the overall planning , resource protection , organization guarantee , learning atmosphere , curriculum design , materials selection , teacher configuration , evaluation standards and survey design .