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wài jiāo jiā
  • diplomat;diplomatist;expert in diplomacy
  1. 德娜利用她多年来学到的处事技巧扮演着外交家妻子的角色。

    Dena was filling the role of diplomat 's wife with the skill she had learned over the years .

  2. 展位中心是一架华丽的四柱床,它的故主是19世纪法国著名外交家塔列郎。

    The centrepiece was a magnificent canopied bed belonged to Talleyrand , the great 19th-century French diplomat .

  3. 它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。

    It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats . The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes .

  4. 中国的大外交家伍廷芳博士多年前在美国的时候,曾在一个宴会上遇到一个美国女人。

    The great Chinese diplomat was in the United States a number of years ago . One day he met an American woman at a reception .

  5. 除了外交家,谁会关心G后边的确切数字;

    Who but the diplomats could care about the precise number after the " G " ;

  6. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志主编赛安迪采访了这位传奇外交家。

    He spoke with fortune managing editor Andy serwer .

  7. n.状况;地位外交家关心世界局势。

    status Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs .

  8. 除了外交家,谁会关心G后边的确切数字;或者谁会关心我们是应讨论伦敦峰会还是20国集团峰会呢?

    Who but the diplomats could care about the precise number after the G ; or whether we should talk about the London or the G20 summit ?

  9. 她在世界舞台上的名望,她几乎像总统般的风采,都使她与众不同,美国国务院顶级职业外交家比尔伯恩斯(BillBurns)对我说。

    Her stature on the world stage , her almost presidential stature , has set her apart , Bill Burns , the top career diplomat at the State Department , tells me .

  10. 的确,更广泛的反叛乱策略有时需要将军同时还要是学者、外交家和媒体明星,就像戴维彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将军那样。

    Yes , the broader counterinsurgency approach sometimes requires generals who are also scholars , diplomats and media stars , in the mould of General David Petraeus .

  11. 58岁的IrinaBokova是保加利亚的职业外交家、驻法大使,曾短暂地担任外交部长和副总统候选人。

    Irina Bokova , 58 , a Bulgarian career diplomat and ambassador to Paris was briefly foreign minister and a vice presidential candidate .

  12. 要使这一构想在太平洋世纪奏效,人们不应求助于中国的理论家,或是美国的理想主义者,而应学习终极现实主义者:19世纪奥地利外交家克莱门斯冯梅特涅(KlemensvonMetternich)。

    For that to work in the Pacific century one should turn not to a Chinese theoretician nor to an American idealist , but to the ultimate realist : Prince Klemens von Metternich .

  13. 那外交家很善于回避使人感到尴尬的问题。

    The diplomat was very good at heading off awkward questions .

  14. 蒋廷黻是著名的史学家、政论家和外交家。

    Chiang T'ing-fu is a famous historian , political commentator and diplomat .

  15. 摘要伍廷芳是晚清时期著名的外交家。

    Wu Tingfang was a famous diplomat in the late Qing period .

  16. 他是中国到过地方最多的高级外交家。

    He was China 's most widely travelled senior diplomat .

  17. 联合国不仅仅是外交家的会议场所。

    The United Nations is not just a meeting place for diplomats .

  18. 不擅社交的人几乎不适合做外交家。

    The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat .

  19. 最终他实现了做一个有名的外交家的梦想。

    At last he realized his dream of being a famous diplomat .

  20. 军事策略家和外交家基本上没有达成一致。

    There is little consensus among military strategists and diplomats .

  21. 莱斯特·皮尔逊是加拿大著名的外交家、政治家。

    Lester Pearson was a famous Canadian diplomat and statesman .

  22. 他想成为外交家的抱负有可能实现。

    His ambition to become a diplomat is likely to be realized .

  23. 放贷者可能会比外交家更难安抚。

    Lenders may be harder to placate than diplomats .

  24. 诗人外交家李肇星

    Li Zhaoxing : both a diplomat and a poet

  25. 没准他是个尚在恢复阶段的外交家。

    Well , maybe he 's a recovering diplomat .

  26. 曾纪泽是我国近代著名的爱国外交家。

    Zeng Ji ze was the famous patriotic diplomat in Chinese modern history .

  27. 在微妙的谈判中,这位外交家从未出过差错。

    In all the delicate negotiations , the diplomat never put a foot wrong .

  28. 她身边需要有个外交家。

    She needs a diplomat by her side .

  29. 乔治·坎宁是英国19世纪20年代著名的政治家、外交家、托利党革新派。

    George Canning was a famous British diplomat and liberal Tories in the 1820 's.

  30. 国际条约一般情况是通过外交家谈判的,而不是依靠国家政治家们的支持。

    International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians .