
mù liáo
  • aides and staff;assistant to a ranking official or general in old China
幕僚 [mù liáo]
  • [aides and staffs;assistant to a ranking official or general in old China] 古代地方军政长官衙署中参谋、书记、顾问之类,后泛指官署中的辅助人员

  • 请自今藩镇幕僚勿得任台官。--《宋史.颜衎传》

幕僚[mù liáo]
  1. 幕僚是宋代幕府中乃至宋代社会的一个特殊群体。

    The aides and staff in Song dynasty are special group .

  2. 军阀幕僚政治属于一种非制度化政治参与。

    Warlord 's aides and staff politics is a kind of non-institutionalized politics .

  3. 凯利,前克林顿白宫幕僚,尚未作出计划在Facebook离开他的职位,而他的出价还处于探索阶段。

    Kelly , a former Clinton White House staffer , has not yet made plans to leave his post at Facebook while his bid is still in the exploratory stages .

  4. 在g20“领导人幕僚们”(sherpa)准备公告的文本草案之际,奥巴马的机遇就在眼前。

    The opportunity for Mr Obama is now , as the G20 " Sherpas " prepare the draft text .

  5. 经济合作与发展组织(OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment)幕僚长、本次峰会准备工作的负责人加芙列拉·拉莫斯(GabrielaRamos)表示,在供应链通用标准方面达成协议将具有重大意义。

    Gabriela Ramos , chief of staff at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the person responsible for summit meeting preparations , said that reaching agreement on common supply chain standards would be significant .

  6. 高盛执行副总裁约翰?罗杰斯曾担任之前三任CEO的幕僚长,他说:我始终相信,公司文化是让我们度过危机最重要的因素之一。

    I will always believe that the culture was one of the most important factors in getting us through the crisis , says John Rogers , the firm 's executive vice president and chief of staff to its last three CEOs .

  7. 那里指明,收信人中还包括美国国家安全委员会(NationalSecurityCouncil)网络安全协调员J·迈克尔·丹尼尔(J.MichaelDaniel)、美国副贸易代表罗伯特·霍利曼(RobertHolleyman)、美国知识产权执法协调员的幕僚长亚历克斯·尼杰洛(AlexNiejelow)。

    Noted as receiving copies were J. Michael Daniel , the cybersecurity coordinator at the National Security Council ; Robert Holleyman , the deputy United States trade representative ; and Alex Niejelow , the chief of staff to the United States intellectual property enforcement coordinator .

  8. 米特·罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)试图把总统竞选的焦点重新对准经济政策。目前他的幕僚正试图说服焦虑的共和党人不要为令人失望的民调结果和有关竞选班子内斗的报道感到恐慌。

    Mitt Romney sought to refocus his presidential bid on his economic policies as aides tried to persuade anxious Republicans not to panic against the backdrop of disappointing polling data and reports of infighting among his campaign staff .

  9. 在道格接替雷米·丹顿(RemyDanton)空出来的位子、成为幕僚长之前,联络总长塞思也在谋求这个职位。

    Before Doug negotiated his way into the chief of staff position vacated by Remy Danton , Seth , the communications chief , lobbied for the job .

  10. 我想我们可以得出结论,唐熙华不会把公关当作他的第二职业了,白宫幕僚长拉姆伊曼纽尔(RahmEmanuel)表示。

    I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR , said Rahm Emanuel , the White House chief of staff .

  11. 在与洪都拉斯总统的幕僚长奥克塔维奥桑切斯(OctavioSánchez)的一次会晤中,罗默教授向前者呈交了他们的一些研究结果。

    Some of their findings were presented in a meeting Prof Romer had with Octavio S á nchez , chief of staff to the Honduran president .

  12. 事实上,埃文斯是保尔森被阿里巴巴挖走的第二个门生。阿里巴巴负责企业事务的资深副总裁吉姆威尔金森(JimWilkinson)曾是保尔森在财政部的幕僚长。

    In fact , Mr Evans is the second prot é g é of Mr Paulson 's to be snapped up by Alibaba - Jim Wilkinson , the group 's senior vice-president for corporate affairs was Mr Paulson 's chief of staff at the Treasury .

  13. 据说其中就有库科马臭名昭著的幕僚长官Medvedchuk,他因扰乱媒体和欺凌商人而备受指责。

    One is said to be Viktor Medvedchuk , Mr Kuchma 's notorious chief of staff , who is accused of harassing the media and bullying businessmen .

  14. 为了确保稳定供应,国家石油管理局应将乙醇作为燃料来加以管制,鲁拉总统的幕僚官员TerezaCampelo表示。

    To ensure stable supplies , ethanol should be regulated as a fuel by the National Petroleum Agency , says Tereza Campelo , an official on the staff of President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva .

  15. 幕僚长肯定告诉她逮捕内侍的理由。

    The superintendent must 've told her why he arrested him .

  16. 如果我是幕僚长,我会逮捕他的。

    I 'd arrest him , if I were the superintendent .

  17. 总统有几名幕僚随从。

    The president was attended by several members of his staff .

  18. 杰克,柯敏斯是总统的幕僚长。

    Cummings is the president 's chief of staff , jack .

  19. 那就是说,幕僚长可能就是最坏的人。

    That is , the superintendent might be the worst one .

  20. 幕僚长想把他怎么样?

    What 's the superintendent going to do with him ?

  21. 琳达·瓦斯奎兹,总统的幕僚长

    Linda Vasquez , the President 's chief of staff ...

  22. 可他毕竟是盖乌斯波塔的幕僚长。

    But the fact remainshe was chief of staff to Gaius baltar .

  23. 史拉伯总统和他的幕僚正搭机横越美国上空。

    President Shrub was flying over the U. S. with his staff .

  24. 所有幕僚都在婚房附近徘徊

    a situation where all the courtiers hang about the bridal chamber .

  25. 其中一些幕僚令人生畏

    some of whom are probably fairly terrifying as courtiers .

  26. 而幕僚内部的混乱状态,对此是不能辞其咎的。

    And the confusion of his staff is at least partly to blame .

  27. 对幕僚们来说卧室门后究竟发生了什么十分神秘

    Precisely what was going on behind the bedroom door mystified the courtiers ,

  28. 并将继续作为幕僚长为国家效命。

    And will continue serving as chief of staff .

  29. 目标管理的方法对于幕僚的工作是很重要的。

    An objectives approach to staff work is important .

  30. 彼得,我是你的幕僚长。

    Peter , I am your chief of staff .