
wài zī qǐ yè
  • foreign enterprise;foreign-enterprises;foreign invested enterprises;foreign-funded venture
  1. 服务于外资企业的买办利用买办职业积累下来的资金,经营着许多新式企业,他们不仅形成了较为完善的买办制度,而且吸收了西方大量先进的企业管理思想。

    The comprador working in foreign enterprise managed many new-style enterprises utilizing comprador .

  2. 促进我国内外资企业税负公平的对策

    The Way to Equalize the Tax Burden between the Demotic and Foreign Enterprise

  3. 要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。

    To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which few emerge .

  4. 对此,外资企业有要求,中国企业更有要求。

    Stronger IPR protection is the requirement of foreign enterprises , and even more so of Chinese enterprises .

  5. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  6. WTO与中国外资企业土地利用政策

    WTO and Land-Use Policies in China

  7. 而不同时期FDI存量对外资企业从业人数的影响各异;

    In different periods , FDI stock has different effects on foreign investment enterprises ′ employee numbers .

  8. 加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。

    After China join in WTO , competition be - tween Chinese native place enterprise 's and the foreign capital enterprise is intense .

  9. 在FDI流入较多的行业,外资企业的生产效率与规模效率明显高于同行业的内资企业。

    The foreign enterprises in the industry which attracts more FDI perform better in productivity and scale efficiency than domestic enterprises .

  10. 四是部分WTO成员未严格按照其承诺开放某些特定领域,并对外资企业的经营活动设置不合理限制。

    Fourthly , some WTO members did not open those sectors in compliance with their commitments and took unreasonable restrictions on business activities of foreign-invested enterprises .

  11. RD国际化是指RD资源和活动的跨国界行为,它既包括东道国企业海外RD活动,也包括外资企业在东道国的RD活动。

    R D Internationalization refers to R D resources and activities across the national borders , involving overseas R D activities of host countries and those of foreign invested enterprises in host countries .

  12. 随着我国加入WTO,外贸审批制向登记制的逐步过渡,中小外贸企业面临大型外贸企业、外资企业与众多即将进入外贸领域的企业的竞争,面临着十分严峻的挑战。

    Following China 's entry into WTO , small and middle-sized foreign trade company face the challenge of big-sized foreign trade company , Joint venture company and many enterprises which now are allowed to enter into foreign trade field .

  13. W公司作为有代表性的外资企业,在国内开展营销活动已有10年的历史,但在经销渠道管理方面仍然面临很多问题:W公司与经销商由于企业文化背景不同而导致的沟通障碍;

    W is a typical foreign company , which has developed business in China for 10 years . It has to face some problems in marketing channel management : W and their distributor could not communicate well ;

  14. 中国正处于转轨经济时期,特别是加入WTO后,外资企业的大量涌入,使得国有资本同其他各种形式的资本竞争的程度更加激烈。

    China is in the switcher economical time . After specially China joins WTO , the foreign capital enterprise massively wells up into , which causes the state-owned capital to be more intense with other each kind of form capital competition degree .

  15. 如何提高连锁企业物流配送的效率与效益,是我国连锁企业发展中有待解决的重要问题,也是我国加入WTO之后,连锁企业在与外资企业竞争中取胜的关键。

    How to improve the efficiency and benefit of chain-store logistics distributing is the key problem that needs resolving in the development of Chinese chain-store enterprises , and also the crux to win while competing with overseas-funded enterprises after China entering WTO .

  16. 随着外资企业规模的不断扩大,会使FDI技术溢出效应发生逆转;而内外资企业规模差异越大,则FDI技术溢出效应的发挥越明显。

    Thirdly , with the expanding scale of foreign enterprises , technology spillover effect would reverse and the greater the difference in the size between foreign enterprises and local enterprises , the more obviously the spillover effects of FDI plays .

  17. 加入WTO后,我国将在3年内向外资企业开放汽车外贸权和分销权,将允许外资非银行金融机构提供汽车金融服务,同时,其他汽车服务业也将相应开放。

    After entering into WTO China will open vehicle foreign trade right and sales distribution right to the foreign capital enterprises within 3 years , and permit foreign capital non-banking financial departments providing vehicle financial service . Meanwhile the other vehicle service items will open respectively .

  18. 但我国工业行业数据的检验表明,上述结论不适用我国,相反,我国国内企业较高的技术水平、与外资企业之间较低的技术差距成为我国企业有效吸收FDI效应的重要能力。

    However , the above conclusion is not true in our industry . On the contrary , the higher-level technology of our domestic enterprises and the smaller technology gap to those FDI enterprises are the important capability factors of absorbing FDI effect .

  19. 通过可变利益实体(VIE)这个奇怪的监管漏洞,外资企业得以绕开中国政府禁止外资拥有境内互联网资产的规定。

    A curious regulatory loophole known as a VIE , or variable interest entity , has allowed foreigners to get around Beijing 's prohibitions against foreign ownership of internet assets .

  20. 结果证明,FDI对中国总体汽车产业TFP的影响是正向的,而中国本地的汽车企业不但没能吸收外资企业的外溢效应,在发展上还受到了外资企业的阻碍。

    The results showed that FDI effected the general TFP of Chinese auto industry positively , while the local auto firms in China had not absorbed the spillover effects of foreign firms and were hindered by MNEs in developing .

  21. 在国内,FESCO又以由政府投资建立的身份向外资企业派遣员工,促进就业,规避用工风险。

    At home , FESCO dispatches employees to the foreign-funded enterprises , promotes employment and evades the risk of employment .

  22. FW公司是一家外资企业,公司位于江苏无锡新区,是国内外各大著名汽车制造商的原配零部件供应商。

    FW Company is a foreign-owned company , located in Wuxi New District , Jiangsu Province . It is the first level auto-parts suppliers of major auto manufacturers at home and abroad .

  23. 本文深入剖析了第一家进入中国PTA行业的外资企业&翔鹭石化的战略制定及实施,并与国有企业、民营企业的发展模式进行比较。

    This thesis thorough analyzes the strategic establishment and implement of XLP petrochemicals which is the first overseas-funded enterprises which get into Chinese PTA business , carry on a comparison with the development mode of state-owned business enterprise and private enterprise .

  24. 普华永道(PwC)驻上海的任颖麟(AlanYam)表示:绝大多数外资企业在中国投资&不是出于税收原因,而是出于商业方面的理由,比如市场巨大,能够供应中国上游消费者等。

    An overwhelming majority of foreign companies invest in China – not because of tax reasons , but for business reasons , like the vast market and the ability to supply to upstream customers in China , said Alan Yam , of PwC in Shanghai .

  25. 西方和亚洲跨国企业会员组织CEB的一项调查显示,去年,47%的中国员工说他们更愿意在中资企业工作,而更愿意选择外资企业的员工比例只有24%。

    Last year , 47 % of China 's workers said they preferred to work at a domestic company , compared with 24 % that preferred a foreign firm , according to a survey by CEB , a membership group for Western and Asian multinational companies .

  26. 本文对经典的Macdougall一般福利效应模型做进一步拓展,引入税收激励来分析外商直接投资对福利效应的影响,结果表明:税收激励政策能否增进一国福利水平主要取决于外资企业的技术外溢。

    This article extends the classic FDI model of Macdougall and introduces the tax incentive to analyze the welfare effects . Results indicate that : whether the tax incentive policies could improve the welfare for the host country mostly depends on the technological spillover of foreign investments .

  27. 相对于国有企业、外资企业和其他行业的民营企业,民营高新技术企业有它独特的特点和财务问题。

    Private high-tech corporations have their special characters and financial affairs .

  28. 在华外资企业本土化营销败因分析

    Analysis on Failure Factors of Foreign Capital Enterprise in Chinese Market

  29. 新经济形势下的外资企业文化管理策略

    The Cultural Management of Foreign Invested Enterprise under New Economic Situation

  30. 对外资企业实行国民待遇政策的思考

    Thoughts on the carry-out of national treatment policy to foreign-owned enterprises