
  • 网络foreign exchange policy;exchange rate policy
  1. 中国央行表示明确要完善黄金市场外汇政策。

    The People 's Bank of China said the need to perfect foreign exchange policies in the gold market is clear .

  2. 本文探讨了我国目前开展飞机租赁面临的主要问题和障碍,从产业政策、融资政策、税收政策、折旧政策、外汇政策、担保政策和风险防范等诸方面提出了若干政策建议。

    In the paper , the main problems of plane lease in China are investigated and some policy suggestion and proposes such as industrial policies , financial policies , tax policies , depreciation policies , foreign exchange policies , guaranty policies and risk control are put forward .

  3. 财政政策、货币政策和外汇政策的搭配使用使得以ISLMBP模型为核心的凯恩斯主义大显神威。

    The combining use of fiscal policies , monetary policies as well as exchange policies makes Keynesianism based on the IS-LM-BP model show its magic power .

  4. 该书对于外汇政策的讨论尤其令人信服。

    A discussion of foreign exchange policy is particularly convincing .

  5. 他表示:你的宏观经济政策目标必须与外汇政策目标保持一致。

    Your macroeconomic policy objectives have got to be coherent with your FX policy .

  6. 新加坡将维持中立外汇政策

    Singapore to Maintain Neutral Foreign Exchange Policy

  7. 中国外汇政策呈现松动迹象

    Chinese Foreign Exchange Policy Becomes Flexible

  8. 熟悉会计准则和相关外汇政策。能够熟练应用计算机软件。

    Know well about China accounting rules and related foreign exchange policy , good skills in computer and office software .

  9. 他们必须防止政府的政策彼此相左&当前一个很好的例子就是外汇政策。

    They must prevent governments ' policies from acting at cross-purposes , of which exchange-rate policies are a good current example .

  10. 市场上旺盛的美元需求既是交易员们为防中国外汇政策发生变动而采取的战略举措,也与市场的技术面因素有关。

    The dollar demand reflects both strategic moves by traders in case Beijing 's policy has changed and technical aspects of the market .

  11. 另一方面,它又担心受到碳排放或外汇政策等方面国际协定的约束。

    On the other , it is wary of being bound by international agreements on such topics as carbon emissions or foreign exchange policy .

  12. 中国外汇政策的变化可能有助于缓解这些压力,但只有那些顽固不化的乐观主义者才会指望它能阻止泡沫的破裂。

    A Chinese shift might help to ease the pressure , but only a diehard optimist would expect it to stop the bubble bursting .

  13. 由于外交进展前景渺茫,美国和欧洲的外汇政策可能最终需要通过国内货币政策来引导。

    Wwith the prospect of diplomatic progress Limited , currency policy in the US and Europe may end up being conducted through domestic monetary policy .

  14. 新加坡金融管理局决定维持中立外汇政策,早就在分析家预料之中,且对新加坡币的影响甚微。

    Mas 's decision to maintain its neutral foreign exchange policy has been long expected by analysts and will have little effect on the Singapore currency .

  15. 针对金融危机背景下的通货膨胀成因,本文最后从产业政策、需求结构、财政和货币政策、外汇政策等方面提出了相关建议。

    Based on the analysis , we give the suggestions from industrial policy , demand structure , fiscal and monetary policy , foreign exchange policy and so on .

  16. 这关系到人民币的估值,对中国的外汇政策有着直接影响。中国外汇政策可能即将发生深刻变化。

    This concerns the valuation of the yuan , and has direct implications for Chinese exchange rate policy , which could be on the verge of a profound change .

  17. 中国执行重商主义的外汇政策,推动官方外汇储备超过3万亿美元,其中大部分投资于战略对手的国债。

    Its pursuit of a mercantilist exchange rate policy has boosted official reserves to more than $ 3tn , which are substantially invested in the IOUs of its strategic rival .

  18. 出口退税受一国经济体制、贸易策略、外汇政策、财税制度等诸多因素的影响。

    Export Tax Rebate is influenced by many factors , such as economic system , trade strategy , foreign exchange policy , public finance policy and tax system of one country .

  19. 阿联酋表示,美元走软造成的通胀影响,已使其外汇政策走到了一个“十字路口”,该国正在考虑改用迪拉姆与一篮子货币挂钩的机制。

    The United Arab Emirates , said the inflationary effects of dollar weakness had brought it to a " crossroads " over currency policy and that it was considering linking the Dirham to a basket of currencies instead .

  20. 要确保农民收入持续、稳定增加,应加强对农业的支持、增加就业机会、适时调整外汇政策、积极推进农村税费改革。

    In ensuring the steady sustainable increase of peasants ' income , we need to strengthen the support for agriculture , to create opportunities for employment , to readjust exchange policy timely , and to press ahead with the reform of taxation in rural areas .

  21. 完善我国非居民个人外汇管理政策的思考

    Improve the Administration on Non - residential Individual Foreign Exchange

  22. 中国外汇储备政策的相关问题和理论思考

    Related Issues and Theory Thinking of China 's Foreign Exchange Reserve Policy

  23. 关于完善我国外汇市场政策环境的探讨

    Discussion of Improving Policy Environment in China Currency Markey

  24. 关于跨境贸易人民币结算试点对外汇管理政策影响的研究

    Research on the effects of pilot cross-border RMB settlement on foreign exchange regulation

  25. 因此,改变稳健的外汇储备政策为积极的外汇储备管理政策,减缓超额外汇储备压力势在必行。

    Changing steady reserve policy into active reserve management must be imperative under the situation .

  26. 国际收支大顺差下的平衡管理&近期外汇管理政策调整分析

    An Analysis of Recent Foreign Exchange Policy

  27. 来自中国央行的最新言论是,中国的外汇储备政策一直相当稳定。

    The latest word from the central bank is that the nation 's reserve policy is always quite stable .

  28. 资本高度流动时代的发展中国家最优国际储备&兼评中国外汇储备政策

    Optimal International Reserves of Developing Countries in an Era of High Capital Mobility ; The Optimal Currency Composition of Chinese Foreign Currency Reserve

  29. 发展中国家储备激增的原因在于经济发展、危机预防需求增长和外汇管理政策的变动。

    In order to take strict precautions on the risk of the accumulation of exchange reserve , we can improve the exchange rate and the policy of exchange control .

  30. 越来越多的外国政府正逐渐采取多元化的外汇储备政策来替代单一化的美元外汇。降级之后的几周之内,这一趋势将会有所加剧。

    An increasing number of foreign governments are slowly diversifying their reserves away from the dollar , a process that could accelerate in the coming weeks due to the downgrade .