
  1. 美联储(federalreserve)将把利率维持在接近于零的水平,直到失业率降到6.5%以下,此举标志着美国货币政策发生了历史性变化。

    The US Federal Reserve will keep interest rates at close to zero until unemployment falls below 6.5 per cent in a historic change to monetary policy .

  2. 在20国集团(G20)首尔峰会于本周晚些时候召开之前,中国对美国货币政策的批评丝毫没有显露出减弱的迹象。

    Chinese criticism of American monetary policy shows no sign of fading before the G20 Seoul summit later this week .

  3. 美联储(fed)美国货币政策负责机构和自由市场资本主义的首席倡导者决定拯救贝尔斯登(bearstearns),宣告了这一时代的终结。

    By its decision to rescue Bear Stearns , the Federal Reserve , the institution responsible for monetary policy in the US , chief protagonist of free-market capitalism , declared this era over .

  4. Levin,Wieland&William(1998)分析美国货币政策时发现滞后利率的反应系数很大,说明美联储利率机制具有显著的惯性。

    Levin , Wieland & William ( 1998 ) found that the reaction coefficient of the lag interest rates is very big , show that the fed funds rate mechanism is provided with significant inertia .

  5. 美国货币政策对我国若干经济变量的影响

    The Influence of American Monetary Policy on Some Chinese Economic Variables

  6. 影响资本流动的一大外部因素可能是美国货币政策。

    One external factor influencing capital movements may be American monetary policy .

  7. 美国货币政策调整的若干新动向

    The Adjustment of Monetary Policy in the U.S. : Trends

  8. 美国货币政策的演变轨迹研究

    Study the Evolution of the U. S. Money Policies

  9. 首先,了解美国货币政策的信号功能。

    First , it makes clear the signaling function of American monetary policy .

  10. 耶伦和伯南克对于美国货币政策有许多相同的看法。

    Yellen and Bernanke share many of the same views on U.S. monetary policy .

  11. 中国高层领导人也对美国货币政策的通胀效应表示了关切。

    Senior Chinese leaders have also expressed concerns about the inflationary effects of US monetary policy .

  12. 对美国货币政策陡然收紧的反复担忧就是一个例子。

    Repeated concerns about a precipitous tightening of US monetary policy are a case in point .

  13. 美国货币政策报告

    United States Monetary Policy Report

  14. 在很大的程度上,现在外国债权人决定了美国货币政策的最终结果。

    To a large extent , foreign creditors now decide the final outcome of American monetary policy .

  15. 面对这样的两难境地,唯一的出路就是改变亚洲和美国货币政策之间的相互作用。

    The only way out of this dilemma is to change the interaction between Asian and US monetary policy .

  16. 美国货币政策的信号作用通过市场化的利率和高度单一的货币供应渠道来完成,货币政策信号作用明显。

    The signaling function of American monetary policy is completed through marketing interest rate and highly single monetary supplying channel .

  17. 在该行列出的全球复苏威胁中,影响最大的是美国货币政策的正常化。

    The most significant threat to the recovery listed by the Bank is the normalisation of monetary policy in the US .

  18. 对伯南克的再度任命来得正是时候,它有利于人们围绕美国货币政策的实施和作用展开更广泛的辩论。

    The Bernanke reappointment is a welcome chance for a broader debate over the conduct and role of US monetary policy .

  19. 许多国家担心,允许本币升值及本国经常账户出现巨额赤字,会让它们的经济容易受到美国货币政策变化的冲击。

    Many countries are concerned that allowing appreciation and large current account deficits makes their economies vulnerable to shifts in US monetary policy .

  20. 巴苏表示,他认为美国货币政策收紧并不会迫使新兴市场的央行突然提高利率。

    Mr Basu said he did not think monetary tightening in the US would force central banks in emerging markets into sudden interest rates hikes .

  21. 自那以后,世界市场波动的增加减缓了美国货币政策的“缩紧”和“正常化”。

    Since then , slower growth around the world and increased market volatility have delayed moves to " tighten " or " normalize " US monetary policy .

  22. 利率政策在美国货币政策历史中扮演着极其重要的角色,而且美联储也非常擅长于运用其利率政策。

    Interest rate policy plays an significant role in the history of American monetary policy , and the Fed is good at employing interest rate-one of its tools .

  23. 从2008年开始,贝克就几乎一刻不停地将美国货币政策和魏玛共和国等灾难性事件进行类比。

    Starting in 2008 and with little respite since , Beck has kept up a drumbeat of parallels between American monetary policy and disaster scenarios such as Weimar Germany .

  24. 今年对话的议题超过60项,包括海上争端,网络安全,双边投资协议以及美国货币政策的影响。

    This year 's agenda has over 60 agenda items , including maritime disputes , cyber security , a bilateral investment treaty and the impact of US monetary policy .

  25. 但外汇市场投资者已经做好了利用美元疲软走势的准备,他们中的很多人因近期美国货币政策曲折反复而蒙受了损失。

    But currency investors , many of them out of pocket after the recent twists and turns in US monetary policy , are ready to seize on dollar weakness .

  26. 新兴市场的外汇储备去年出现20年来的首次下降。困扰发展中经济体的问题包括逐渐减退的竞争力、资本外逃和对美国货币政策的担忧。

    Foreign currency reserves in emerging markets fell last year for the first time in two decades , as developing economies found themselves beset by waning competitiveness , capital outflows and concerns over US monetary policy .

  27. 其中比较突出的是,美国货币政策的调整、美元汇率的波折以及资源类产品价格的跳跃,导致了全球资本市场的价格调整。

    , among which more outstanding are , adjustment of monetary policy of the United States , US Dollar exchange rate and leap of the prices of resource products , causing the prices of the world capital market adjusted .

  28. 全球经济已摆脱通货紧缩的环境和第一季度的12年股市低点,全球经济生产已经企稳,乐观情绪正在恢复,超宽松的美国货币政策和美元贬值支持了资产市场的繁荣。

    The global economy has moved away from a deflationary environment and a 12-year low for equities in the first quarter to a state of stabilising output , recovering optimism , and booming asset markets supported by ultra-easy US monetary policy and a cheaper dollar .

  29. 欧洲央行认为:从5月份开始,全球债券市场出现显著的重新定价,这主要是由于美国货币政策预期的改变,外汇市场加大的波动和紧张主要落在新兴市场经济体头上。

    Starting in May , there was a significant repricing in global bond markets , which took place largely because of changing monetary policy expectations in the United States – with increased foreign exchange market volatility and stress borne largely by emerging market economies , the ECB said .

  30. 他表示,尽管在G20峰会召开之前,中国可以攻击美国的货币政策,使美国处于守势,但新的贸易数据将转变辩论平衡。

    He said that while China had the US on the defensive ahead of the G20 over its monetary policy , the new trade data will rebalance the debate .