
jiànɡ xī
  • lower interest rate
  1. 来自中央银行的信号表明,马上会有进一步的降息举动。

    The smoke signals from the central bank suggest further cuts are coming .

  2. 他试图从降息中牟取最大的政治好处。

    He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates

  3. 政府坚称不会陷入恐慌而匆忙降息。

    The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts .

  4. 英格兰银行坚持只有条件成熟才会降息。

    The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready

  5. 降息在加利福尼亚并未产生多大影响,原因有二。首先,银行仍然不敢放贷。

    The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons . First of all , banks are still afraid to loan .

  6. 这一决定可以通过在偿还贷款过程中的停顿、延长期限、降息或者在最严重的可怕的理发业来实现。

    This could be done through a standstill in repayments , extension of maturity , interest-rate cut or , in the most severe cases , the dreaded haircut .

  7. 韩国央行(BankofKorea)已两次降息,最近一次是在10月。

    The Bank of Korea has already cut rates twice , most recently in October .

  8. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)上周削减了基准利率,是该行近一年来首次降息,缓解了投资者的顾虑。

    The European Central Bank eased investor worries last week when it cut its benchmark interest rates for the first time in almost a year .

  9. 4月份,印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)三年来首次降息,以鼓励银行向企业放贷。

    In April , the Reserve Bank of India cut interest rates for the first time in three years to encourage lending to business .

  10. 从Fed首次降息的9月份至11月底,美元就像坐上了下坡的快车。

    From the Fed 's initial rate cut in September through to late November , the dollar was on an express train downhill .

  11. 刚抵达达沃斯,我的黑莓就开始不停地响,全是关于美联储(fed)紧急降息75个基点的消息。

    No sooner had I arrived in Davos , when my BlackBerry started chirping with alarms over an emergency 75 basis point Fed rate cut .

  12. 美国以外地区的经济增长较为强劲,而美联储(FederalReserve)的降息举措和1680亿美元的财政刺激方案正起到推动作用。

    Growth outside the US was strong and there was a boost on the way from Federal Reserve rate cuts and the $ 168bn fiscal stimulus .

  13. 上述发现将给欧洲央行(ecb)增加压力,迫使其在本月晚些时候再次降息。

    The findings will add to pressure on the European Central Bank to cut interest rates again later this month .

  14. Fed的降息减少了投资者持有美元短期存款的收益,从而降低了投资者持有美元资产的兴趣。

    The Fed 's cuts reduced the return that investors receive on shorter-term dollar deposits , making the dollar a less-attractive currency in which to park cash .

  15. 英国央行(bankofEngland)周三发布的最新经济预测显示,要想阻止经济增长放缓并防范通胀降幅过大,英国必须降息两次。

    Two UK interest rate cuts will be needed to stem an economic slowdown and prevent inflation falling too far , the Bank of England 's new economic forecasts indicated on Wednesday .

  16. 高频经济学(HighFrequencyEconomics)首席经济学家卡尔o温伯格在给客户的报告中犀利地指出:我们不认为,降息会让经济有所不同。

    Carl Weinberg , chief economist at High Frequency Economics , put it bluntly in a note to clients this morning , writing , We do not believe the interest rate cuts will make a difference to the economy .

  17. 赛伯乐资产管理公司(cerberuscapitalmanagement)董事长、前美国财长约翰斯诺(johnsnow)表示,这次紧急降息表明,美联储有能力采取“大胆行动”。

    John snow , chairman of Cerberus capital management and a former US Treasury Secretary , said the emergency rate cut showed the Fed was capable of " bold action " .

  18. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的中国经济学家王庆说,降息应当能缓解对中国出现最糟糕情况的担忧。

    ' This should ease concern about a worst-case scenario happening in China , 'said Wang Qing , China economist for Morgan Stanley .

  19. 此次降息是朝着正确方向迈出的必要步骤,瑞银(UBS)中国首席经济学家汪涛表示。

    The rate cut is a necessary step in the right direction , said Wang Tao , China chief economist at UBS .

  20. 美联储(Fed)周三更为明确地宣布,其关注对象仍是通胀,而非经济增长,这对于市场预期构成了挑战,市场本来认为美联储可能不久将开始降息。

    The Federal Reserve on Wednesday declared in emphatic terms that it remained focused on inflation rather than growth , challenging market expectations that it will soon be in rate-cutting mode .

  21. 上述数据显示,美联储(fed)可能不会那么热衷于大幅降息,同时美元汇率有所反弹,这一因素应该会导致大宗商品市场走弱。

    The data suggested that the Federal Reserve may not be so keen to cut US interest rates aggressively , and the dollar rallied a factor that should weaken commodity markets .

  22. 经济学家们昨日预测,英国利率仍有继续下调空间,此前英国央行(bankofEngland)再次降息半个百分点,至1%,为315年来最低水平。

    Borrowing costs still have further to fall after the Bank of England cut UK interest rates by another half a percentage point to hit a 315-year low of 1 per cent , economists forecast yesterday .

  23. 但随着美国经济步入低迷、美联储(fed)降息及美元走软,中国经济重新平衡的需求比以往任何时候都更为迫切。

    But with the downturn in the US economy , cuts in Federal Reserve interest rates , and falls in the dollar , the need to rebalance is more urgent than ever before .

  24. 但在上周,美联储(Fed)会好像慌了手脚,出人意料地在其下次预定会议前突然降息75个基点。

    This week , however , the board of the US Federal Reserve seemed to panic by implementing an extraordinary 0.75 percentage point cut in its interest rates prior to its next scheduled meeting .

  25. 印度国大党(congressparty)领导的政府正面临选举,它已采取降息和承诺加大公共支出等紧急行动,以保障实现今年7.5%的经济增长预期。

    The Congress party-led government , which is facing elections , has taken emergency action to protect its forecast of 7.5 per cent economic growth for this year by cutting interest rates and promising higher public spending .

  26. 美国和中国昨日双双降息,其中美联储(federalreserve)将利率下调50个基点至1%,这一水平仅在2003年出现过一次。

    The US and China both cut interest rates yesterday , with the US Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by half a point to 1 per cent , a level equalled only once before in 2003 .

  27. 投资者昨日越发相信美联储(Fed)将在本月降息,以防止经济减速。这一预期导致债券收益率下降,而美元则跌至创纪录低点。

    Investors increased their bets yesterday that the US Federal Reserve will cut interest rates this month to stave off an economic slowdown , sending bond yields lower and pushing the dollar to a record low .

  28. 瑞士央行还降息25个基点,将其3个月期伦敦同行拆借利率(libor)目标区间缩减至0-0.75%。

    The SNB also cut its interest rates by 25 basis points , taking its three-month LIBOR target range down to 0-0.75 per cent .

  29. 联合干预要想获得成功,其他g7成员就需要考虑降息。

    In order for co-ordinated intervention to be successful , the rest of the G7 will thus need to consider cutting interest rates .

  30. 弱于预期的就业数据及大幅上升的失业率,将保持对美联储(federalreserve)的压力,迫使其在下次政策会议上降息50基点即便有些政策制定者担忧通胀问题。

    The weaker-than-expected figures and a jump in the unemployment rate will maintain pressure on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points at its next policy meeting , even though policy-makers remain concerned about inflation .