
jiàng dī chéng běn
  • reduce costs;cost reduction;cost down;cut the cost;lower production costs
降低成本[jiàng dī chéng běn]
  1. SIP封装集成能最大程度上优化系统性能、避免重复封装、缩短开发周期、降低成本和提高集成度,掌握这项新技术是进入主流封装领域之关键,有其广阔的发展前景。

    SIP can furthest optimize the system property , avoid the repeat of package , shorten the design period , cut the cost and raise integration . Mastering SIP is the key for entering the mainstream of package field , and the development prospects are great .

  2. 近年来,消失模铸造过程计算机模拟仿真使得如今消失模铸造技术的自动化程度更高,优化工艺设计,缩短产品试制周期,降低成本,减少铸件缺陷,确保铸件质量。

    Numerical simulation for casting process may optimize craft design , shorting trial cycle , cut the cost , decrease casting defect and assure the casting quality .

  3. 一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。

    When costs are cut product quality suffers .

  4. 他们没有降低成本,而是抬高价格、削减产量。

    They raised prices and cut production , instead of cutting costs

  5. 大家都知道鲁宾逊先生在降低成本上毫不手软。

    Mr Robinson has developed the reputation of a ruthless cost-cutter .

  6. 公司在降低成本方面付出了艰苦卓绝的努力。

    The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction

  7. 现在一些市场人士希望政府实施调控,以降低成本。

    Some in the market now want government regulation in order to reduce costs .

  8. 当务之急是降低成本。

    The first priority is to cut costs

  9. 我确实认为可以既提高客户满意度又降低成本。

    I really believe that it is possible to both improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs

  10. 该协会说此举是旨在降低成本的“不折不扣的商业决定”。

    The society said the move was ' purely and simply a business decision ' aimed at reducing costs .

  11. 只要“贪婪”仍是一切的出发点,就别指望人们会降低成本。

    As long as the operative word is ' greed ' , you can 't count on people keeping the costs down

  12. 我们要集中精力找出降低成本的办法。

    We must concentrate our efforts on finding ways to reduce costs .

  13. 公司要有效地参与竞争必须降低成本。

    The company must reduce costs to compete effectively .

  14. 将旧材料用于生产可以减少浪费,从而降低成本和采购价格:减少外部采购,而更多地进行内部再利用。

    Reducing waste by incorporating used materials into production can cut costs and decrease the price of procurement : less to be procured from the outside and more to be re-utilized from the inside .

  15. 为了降低成本,他们学会了与卖家讨价还价。

    To lower the cost , they learned to bargain with the sellers .

  16. 为了降低成本,简化流程,国际奥委会曾在2019年对申办规则进行了改动。

    The IOC changed its bidding rules in 2019 to reduce costs and make the process easier for cities .

  17. 例句A:我实在是不想让他们走,但如果不降低成本的话,咱们公司肯定顶不住经济衰退带来的影响。

    A : I really don 't like telling people they have to go but our company won 't survive the economic downturn unless we cut costs .

  18. 在IP网络上开展语音业务也同样可以降低成本。

    Advancing voice service over IP network may also reduce cost .

  19. 嵌入式Internet技术将改变现有监控系统的体系结构,提高系统的可扩展性,降低成本。

    Embedded Internet technology will change the architecture of monitoring and control systems , enhance the system 's expansibility and reduce the cost .

  20. IE、TQM、VE在降低成本方面的应用

    Application of IE TQM VE to decrease the cost

  21. 因此,GPS与SINS组合姿态测量系统,既可以满足系统精度要求,降低成本,又提高了姿态数据更新率。

    Therefore , GPS and SINS integrated attitude measurement system not only meets the accuracy requirements and lower costs , but also improves attitude data update rate .

  22. 单片机的外围扩展采用SPI接口芯片,简化了电路结构,可降低成本和提高可靠性。

    With the serial interface ICs , it is possible to simplify circuit , reduce cost and get higher reliability .

  23. 在低成本中国对手日益激烈的竞争下,三星电子(SamsungElectronics)将于明年减少其智能手机款式,以降低成本。

    Samsung Electronics will cut the number of its smartphone models next year in an effort to pare back costs , amid increasing competition from lower-cost Chinese rivals .

  24. 通过求解成本效率DEA模型,可直接分析输入输出因素对决策单元成本的影响,为企业降低成本、提高收益提供最优决策方案。

    The influence of input and output factors on costs can be analysed through calculating the DEA model of cost efficiency , which can help to provide a optimizing decision for the enterprise to reduce the cost and raise the income .

  25. 降低成本,改进质量,提高产品竞争力;

    Reduce cost , improve quality and promote the product competition ;

  26. 我们必须降低成本才能获得更多利润。

    We must reduce the cost , to get more profit .

  27. 结果表明,生物肥能明显地提高烤烟的产量和质量,并有一定省肥效果,可以达到降低成本、提高质量、增加收入的作用。

    So it can down cut production costs and increase revenue .

  28. 技术创新,加强管理,降低成本;

    The technique improvement , better management and lower cost ;

  29. 结论:降低成本,提高疗效。

    Conclusion : Reduction of cost . Improve curative effect .

  30. 此语言能够简化项目、降低成本和提高效率。

    The language can simplify projects , reduce costs and boost efficiency .