
  1. 根据本实用新型的炼锌设备,能够减少空气和噪声污染,提高效率,降低成本和投资,有效地利用资源和能源。

    The zinc smelting equipment of the utility model can reduce the air and noise pollution , improve the efficiency , reduce the cost and investment , and effectively utilize the resources and energy .

  2. 通过应用与比较,该优化设计实现了最初的优化目标,减小了基本参数,降低了成本投资,可以为设计和优化提供一定的参考。

    Through the application and comparison , the optimization design realized the first optimized objectives , reducing the basic parameters and cost investment , which can provide certain reference for the design and optimization .

  3. 而恰当的产权制度安排能够降低代理成本和投资风险。

    Proper ownership arrangement can reduce agency cost and investment risk .

  4. 降低商务成本优化投资环境

    On Reducing Business Cost and Optimizing Investment Environment

  5. 用廉价的燃料能代替电能可以显著地降低运行成本和投资成本。

    The replacement of electric energy by cheaper fuel energy provides evident reductions in production and investment costs .

  6. 因此,搞好油田地面工程建设工程造价管理,努力降低成本、提高投资效益是达到这一目的重要途径。

    Well done for the Engineering Costing management of Oilfield surface project , which many lower the cost and higher the investment profit , is an efficient method .

  7. 在实践中,目标公司管理层有时与外来投资者组成投资集团来实施MBO,以降低收购成本,分散投资风险。

    In practice , goal management teams usually implement MBO by uniting with outside investor sometimes , in order to reduce the cost of purchasing , disperse the investment riskIn practice , MBO is a topic of the extremely hot dispute .

  8. 资本增密投资:指为提高生产效率和降低成本而进行的投资。

    Capital deepening investment : investment aimed at increasing production efficiency and lowering costs .

  9. 不断发展的互联网金融业有助于降低贸易成本,使投资变得更方便。

    Growing Internet finance industry has helped reduce trade costs and made investment easier .

  10. 为降低借贷成本、刺激投资,中国央行自去年11月以来已两次降息。

    The People 's Bank of China has cut interest rates twice since November in an effort to stimulate investment by lowering borrowing costs .

  11. 一般认为,与个人投资者相比,由于机构投资者具有规模优势,能够有效降低交易成本和分散投资风险。

    In general view , compared with the individual investors , institutional investors can reduce trading costs and diversify investment risk because of their advantage of scale .

  12. 采用设备全寿命周期费用的概念,具体量化维修费,可降低运行成本,实现投资效益的最大化。

    Application of definition of whole-life cycle fee of equipment together with concrete quantification of equipment ′ s maintenance & repair fee can reduce running cost thus maximize function of investment .

  13. 网上投资交易作为一种全新的交易模式,可以大幅度降低交易成本,提高投资交易的透明度,打破时间和空间的限制。

    As is a new trading way , Online Investment Trading can reduce the cost by leap and bounds , improve the transparence of trading and break the restrict of time and space .

  14. 文章就工程造价的几个影响因素进行分析,提出预算管理应注意的几个方面的问题,以降低工程成本,提高投资收益。

    Some factors influencing the cost of construction for engineering are analysed , and the problems to be paid attention in budget management are put forth , which to reduce the engineering cost and raise the investment benefit .

  15. 主张推行低利率管制政策的主要原因是希望借此来降低投资成本,刺激投资,促进经济增长。

    One of the most important objectives that made the government to implement the policy of regulating the interest rate on low level was to reduce the cost of investment , to stimulate investment , and to accelerate economic growth .

  16. 缩短污泥停留时间不仅可以减少水、电、热等的消耗量;同时缩短污泥停留时间还意味着设备的处理能力增加,这样可以大幅降低建设成本,减少投资。

    Shorten sludge retention time can not only reduce energy consumption , save water , electricity and heat consumption ; but also increase the processing capability of the equipment , which can significantly reduce the construction costs , reduced investment . 4 .

  17. 提出手机电视产业链的构建设想,强调新旧媒体的横向价值联结在理顺产业关系、降低生产成本和规避投资风险中的重要作用。

    This paper proposes some ideas for industrial chain of Mobile TV , emphasizes that the horizontal value integration between new media and traditional media play an important role in straightening out industrial relationships , reducing production cost and avoiding investment risks . 5 .

  18. 企业开展投资项目后评估是企业决策和财务管理相结合的重要管理领域,它对企业提高决策水平,减少决策失误,降低投资成本,提高投资效益都有着极其重要的意义。

    Investment project in enterprises is a very important field which connected with the companies management decision and financial management . At the same time it is vital importance to increasing decision-making level , reduce miss-play , increasing enterprises ' economic benefit and reducing enterprises ' cost .