
jiànɡ jiě zuò yònɡ
  • degradation
  1. 腐败作用是蛋白性物质的厌氧降解作用。

    Putrefaction is the anaerobic degradation of proteinaceous materials .

  2. 胆红素光敏反应对腹水型肝癌细胞DNA的降解作用

    Photosensitization of Bilirubin on Degradation of DNA in Ascitic Hepatoma Cells

  3. 结果表明:吸附与生物降解作用是影响硝基苯在含水层中迁移转化的主要因素。

    The experimental result indicated that adsorption and biodegradation actions are the main effecting factors in this study .

  4. 毕赤酵母羧肽酶对重组双功能水蛭素C端的降解作用

    The C Terminal of Recombinant RGD-Hirudin Was Hydrolyzed by Yeast Carboxypeptidase

  5. 酶切实验表明复合物能保护DNA抵御酶的降解作用。

    Nuclease digestion assay showed that the complexes were efficient to provide protection against enzymatic cleavage .

  6. Cu、Zn对土壤丁草胺降解作用的影响

    Effects of Cu and Zn on degradation of butachlor in soil

  7. 以蓝色发光二极管(LED)为光源,通过催化剂对甲醛气体的降解作用来考察其光催化活性。

    With blue light-emitting diode ( LED ) as light source , its photocatalytic activity for degradation of formaldehyde was investigated .

  8. 结果表明,H2O2对水中乙草胺具有光敏化降解作用,其敏化作用效应与·OH有关;

    The results showed that H_ 2 O_ 2 exhibited photosensitive effects related to · OH .

  9. TiO2/SiO2复合物与H2O2对有机染料的协同光催化降解作用研究

    Photodegradation of Organic Dye Based on the Synergetic Catalytic Effect of TiO_2 / SiO_2 and H_2O_2

  10. 酸性红G溶液的脱色不是因催化剂的吸附作用,而是SrCoOx粉体在紫光灯照射下的催化降解作用。其中可能包括光催化氧化及机械力催化氧化等多方面的协同作用。

    In conclusion , main action is not adsorption action , but the multi-reasons cooperation action , including photocatalytic oxidation and mechano-catalytic oxidation .

  11. 纳米TiO2对酿酒工业废水的降解作用

    The Degradation of Wine Industry Waste Sewage by Nanometer TiO_2

  12. 硬脂酸铁加速LDPE膜光降解作用的研究

    A Study of the Acceleration photodegradation of Ferric Stearate on LDPE Film

  13. 掺硼纳米TiO2对农药毒死蜱的光催化降解作用

    Photocatalytic Degradation of Chlorpyrifos with Boron Doped TiO_ ( 2 ) as Catalyst

  14. 结果表明,LAS的去除主要是靠微生物的降解作用。

    The result shows that microorganism degradation plays a major role in LAS removal .

  15. 然而,在同等条件下,V2O5/Al2O3类似于MnO2/Al2O3,对罗丹明B的催化降解作用优于Co3O4/Al2O3。

    However , V2O5 / Al2O3 , similar to MnO2 / Al2O3 , on the catalytic degradation of Rhodamine B is better than Co3O4 / Al2O3 under the same conditions .

  16. 钙蛋白酶对兔脑皮质中细胞骨架蛋白tau的降解作用

    Effect of Calpain on the Degradation of tau Protein in Rat Brain Cortex Extracts

  17. 铁的限制对中间普氏菌的Hb降解作用没有影响,提示该半胱氨酸蛋白酶为组成性表达。

    Since iron restriction had no influence on the degradation effects , the proteinase might be constitutively expressed .

  18. 沼泽红假单胞菌H3对酸性红B(2GL)染料的厌氧脱色和降解作用

    The anaerobic decolorization and degradation of acid red B 2GL by Rhodopseudomonas palustris H3

  19. 生物预处理工艺中,MC在特定细菌的降解作用及混合微生物的同化作用下被去除。

    In the biological pretreatment procedure for eutrophic water , MC were degraded by special bacteria and assimilated by heterotrophic microorganisms .

  20. 然而DNA疫苗这样的亲水性大分子药物是无法穿透皮肤角质层的屏障,并且皮肤内的酶系会对DNA疫苗产生降解作用,而使抗原提呈细胞无法捕获DNA疫苗。

    But hydrophilia macromolecule drug like DNA vaccine can not penetrate the keratoderma and enzyme system in skin will degrade DNA vaccine so that antigen presenting cell can not catch DNA vaccine .

  21. 实验结果表明,HPAM在水溶液中的化学降解作用,主要包括氧化作用和水解作用两种反应。

    The chemical degradation of HPAM involves two main reactions : oxidation and hydrolysis .

  22. 生物降解作用下地下水中TCE、PCE迁移转化的数值模拟研究

    Modeling of transformation and transportation of PCE and TCE by biodegradation in shallow groundwater

  23. H2O2通过光解产生·OH,从而对水中乙草胺表现出显著的光敏化降解作用。

    H2O2 produced hydroxyl radical ( OH ) upon UV irradiation , then - OH proceeded to react with acetochlor , so that the photodegradation of acetochlor was greatly promoted .

  24. 结果发现阴离子表面活性剂与亚甲蓝形成离子缔合物,在一定时间范围内能抑制纳米TiO2对亚甲蓝的降解作用。

    This result showed that the ion-association complex between methylene blue and anionic surfactant could inhibit the degradation of methylene blue in a certain time .

  25. 研究讨论了纳米或颜料级锐钛矿型及金红石型TiO2在聚丙烯酸酯复合涂层中的抗光降解作用。

    The effects of anti-photochemical degradation of a series of nano and pigmental anatase and rutile titanium dioxide have been determined in the polyacrylate coatings .

  26. 指出TCE污染物的生物降解作用是存在的,但是不完全。

    It appears that the biodegradation of TCE contaminant exists , but it is incomplete .

  27. 但羟基自由基的生成是瞬间完成的,其对胶原蛋白的降解作用随着H2O2和Fe2+反应时间的延长而降低。

    But hydroxyl radical was produced in a very short time , the degradation effect decreased while the time of reaction prolonged .

  28. 目的观察根部牙本质中的基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)对牙本质胶原的降解作用。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of dentin matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) on the degradation of root dentin collagen .

  29. 人类P19~(ARF)蛋白可通过与Mdm2结合从而降低Mdm2对p53的降解作用,间接升高了P53的浓度,最终达到抑癌作用。

    The p19 protein increases the level of p53 by neutralizing Mdm2 which destabilize p53 , ultimate-ly plays a role in suppressing cancer .

  30. 研究表明,自制纳米TiO2对甲基橙具有良好的吸附性,避光暗处也能够对甲基橙得到部分降解作用。

    The research indicates that the nano TiO 2 has a good adsorbability for MO , and in the dark it presents some effects on the degradation of MO.