
  • 网络External currency;outside money
  1. 如果欧元因为少数几个外围成员国的货币退出而解体,但单一货币保存完好,那么持有德国金融体系资金的投资者,可能希望看到这些所持的欧元对美元等外部货币重定汇率。

    If the break-up occurs because a few peripheral currencies leave the euro , but the single currency otherwise remains intact , then those investors who hold funds within the German financial system could expect to see these euro holdings revalued against outside currencies like the dollar .

  2. 因此货币迷失是我国经济运行方式阶段性调整的必然产物,是外部变量冲击下货币数量论有效性得以维持的特殊方式。

    Missing money is the inevitable outcome of adjustment on economic circulation mode at different stages , and is the special means to maintain the validity of quantity theory of money under external variables ' impulsion .