
xìn yònɡ jǐn suō
  • credit crunch
  1. 清洁能源工业在信用紧缩中受害尤甚。

    The industry suffered particularly badly in the credit crunch .

  2. RBS董事会由于在2007年信用紧缩的时候接管荷兰银行受到广泛批评。

    The RBS board was criticised for its takeover of Dutch bank ABN AMRO in 2007 , just as the Credit Crunch to acold .

  3. 由伦敦国际酿酒商交易所发布的Liv-ex100指数记录瓶装葡萄酒的价格。目前,该指数已经摆脱了信用紧缩并且其表现优于全球证券交易市场。

    The Liv-ex100 Index , which charts bottled-wine prices , has shrugged off the credit crunch and outperformed global stock markets .

  4. 银行家们说信用紧缩对国家构成了严重的威胁。

    Bankers say financial stringency constitutes a serious threat to the country .

  5. 对企业和银行的调查显示没有任何普遍的信用紧缩。

    Surveys of businesses and banks have shown no pervasive tightening of credit .

  6. 房价下降拉低抵押品价值,信用紧缩,需求下降。

    Falling prices erode the value of collateral , tightening credit and depressing demand .

  7. 虽然经济有所复苏,但个人仍面临高失业率和信用紧缩。

    Despite the economy 's modest recovery , individuals face high unemployment and tight credit .

  8. 信用紧缩使可能的国营企业买主无法向银行贷款

    Credit crunch prevent the potential state - run enterprise buyer from get loan from the bank

  9. 我们目前看到的是一种更为常规的经济放缓:经济有所下滑,但并未出现那种信用紧缩。

    We 're seeing a more normal slowdown , with declines but not such credit constraints .

  10. 急剧的信用紧缩,在数年后的宽松借贷之后所预期的,可能将产生浩劫。

    A sharp tightening of credit , expected after years of easy money , may yet wreak havoc .

  11. 数据显示,面对失业和信用紧缩所带来的不确定性,消费者仍倾向于到廉价零售店购物。

    The figures showed shoppers continuing to favour lower-price retailers as they face uncertainties over unemployment and tighter credit .

  12. 从2007年8月开始,高风险房屋贷款普遍出现拖欠,导致信用紧缩,并演变成经济衰退。

    The credit squeeze that evolved into recession began in August 2007 with widespread defaults on high-risk home loans .

  13. 信用紧缩的威胁已经影响了伦敦股票交易所的业务。

    On the London Stock Exchange , the threat of a credit squeeze has been taking its toll of business .

  14. 1990-91年的银行业危机中,证券市场起到了缓解信用紧缩的作用,因其并未受到银行业危机影响。

    During the 1990-91 banking crisis , securities markets helped alleviate the credit crunch because they were unaffected by the banking crisis .

  15. 信用紧缩(政府为控制通货膨胀而采取的措施,如藉提高利率以增加借款之困难)。

    Credit squeeze ( government policy of controlling inflation by making it difficult to borrow money , eg by raising interest rates )

  16. 一项商业调查显示,信用紧缩正威胁着一批小型高科技公司,政府急需资金投入。

    Government funding is necessary as the honor crunch threatens a procreation of small high-tech companies , a business investment team warns .

  17. 它们彼此之间更加惜贷,把市场对少数机构的担忧转变成整个银行体系的信用紧缩。

    They have lent less and less to each other , turning worries about a few institutions into a system-wide credit crunch .

  18. 有些因素是普遍性的:信用紧缩重挫了消费者信心,并影响了房贷的获取。

    Some factors are universal : the credit crunch hit consumer confidence and affected the availability of finance for house purchase everywhere .

  19. 与以往历次经济低迷比起来,投资者在这次信用紧缩中借给陷于困境公司的债务可能遭受更大损失。

    Investors face the prospect of much steeper losses on the debts of distressed companies in the credit crunch than in previous downturns .

  20. 信用紧缩发生之前,有个很流行的说法是,右翼在经济论战中取胜,左翼则赢得了文化辩论。

    Before the credit crunch it used often to be said that the right had won the economic argument and the left had won the cultural one .

  21. 雪上加霜的是,发自美国而蔓延至全球的信用紧缩以及经济的不景气,导致欧洲消费者减少购买支出。

    What is more , the global credit crunch and economic recession that initiated in the U.S.is catching up with Europe , causing reduced consumer spending in Europe .

  22. 央行已经采取了非同寻常疾风骤雨般的措施来应对信用紧缩,包括为银行债务担保和一次性购买(有毒)资产。

    Central banks have introduced an extraordinary flurry of measures to deal with the credit crunch , including guarantees of bank debt and the outright purchase of assets .

  23. 黄金应该为威胁货币是目的地,但是当信用紧缩增强,这连同许多其他资产一起假定港口失去的价值。

    Gold is supposed to be a destination for scared money , but as the credit crunch intensified , this presumed haven lost value along with many other assets .

  24. 直接或间接受到次贷问题影响的金融机构开始报告巨额损失,而它们越来越低的贷款意愿也导致信用紧缩。

    Financial institutions with direct or indirect exposure to sub-prime mortgages have started reporting huge profit losses , and their increased reluctance to lend has led to tighter credit conditions .

  25. 发展中国家在推进金融市场化改革进程中,引发了大规模的通货失控,信用紧缩及资本外流问题。

    In the process of adopting market principles in the financial field , the developing countries have encountered many problems such as currency instability , credit contraction and capital outflow .

  26. 上述警告正值压力安装于联邦政府,以星火竞争中,家庭贷款市场,并协助非银行放款受全球信用紧缩问题,以确保拨款。

    The warning comes as pressure mounts on the federal government to spark competition in the home-loan market and assist non-bank lenders affected by the global credit crunch to secure funding .

  27. 我预计会出现更广泛的信用紧缩,但具体而言,由于避险、资本紧张和监管变革,将会有逾2万亿美元的信用额度被削减。

    I expect more broad-based credit contractions but , specifically , more than $ 2000bn in credit lines to be cut in reaction to risk aversion , constrained capital and regulatory change .

  28. 高昂的商品价格和信用紧缩的叠加突出体现出他们两个主要使命之间的相互矛盾:保持金融系统的健康状态以及控制通货膨胀。

    The combination of dearer commodities and a squeeze on credit has presented them with a conflict between their two main tasks : preserving the health of the financial system and controlling inflation .

  29. 去年政府国家出台信用紧缩政策,减少了中小型企业的资金流动,去年冬天对房产开发商们尤其艰难。

    The past winter , however , turned out to be freezing for developers because the government orchestrated a credit crunch that has squeezed the cash flow of most medium and small realty businesses .

  30. 但是,展望未来10年,不同国家针对房地产市场的做法很可能与信用紧缩前10年一样千差万别。

    But , looking forward , the experiences of different national housing markets in the next 10 years are likely to be as different as they were in the 10 that preceded the credit crunch .