
  • multiple;several
多个 [duō gè]
  • [multiple] 属于几个或许多的,或在几个或许多之间分的

  1. 自动化的过程中的案文冲压多个PDF文件。

    Automates the process text stamping multiple PDF files .

  2. Babylag这个说法是对jetlag(飞机时差)表达的演绎。Jetlag一次最早出现在1965年,指搭飞机长途出行,飞过多个时区导致的疲惫的精神不集中。

    This phrase is a play on jet lag , the fatigue and disorientation that results from a long flight across multiple time zones , which dates to 1965 .

  3. 在过去十年间,他们抚育了60多个儿童。

    They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years .

  4. 现已发现这种鸟栖息在70多个不同的地区。

    The birds are found in over 70 different localities .

  5. 有一场戏中舞台上的人有50多个。

    There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene .

  6. 他声称有20多个亲生子女。

    He claims to have fathered over 20 children .

  7. 本公司提供20多个免费收视频道。

    The company provides more than 20 free-to-air channels .

  8. 复合句包含两个或多个从句。

    A compound sentence contains two or more clauses .

  9. 这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。

    These forests cover a broad span of latitudes .

  10. 400多个职员中只有7人属于这一类。

    Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into this category .

  11. PLATFORM公司是80多个铁路用户组的联盟。

    PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups .

  12. 那本百科全书有很多清晰的插图和250多个食谱。

    The Encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes

  13. 有80多个党派在竞争两院的议席。

    More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament

  14. 伦敦似乎一定会丧失2,000多个医院床位。

    London seems destined to lose more than 2,000 hospital beds

  15. 我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。

    In many ways , our society actively promotes alcoholism .

  16. 我们正在多个方面向前推进。

    We 're moving forward on a variety of fronts .

  17. 多个系统在复杂的数组中连接起来。

    The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays .

  18. 已接触过100多个买主或投资人,不过没人愿意接受。

    Over 100 buyers or investors were approached , but there were no takers

  19. 西班牙是多种传统和多个民族的合成体。

    Spain is a composite of multifarious traditions and people

  20. 自1928年以来,托马斯少校担任过该俱乐部的多个职位。

    Since 1928 , Major Thomas has served the club in many capacities .

  21. 来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。

    Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow .

  22. 她现在正着手开发多个项目。

    She is presently developing a number of projects

  23. 来自100多个国家的选手齐聚设菲尔德参加此次运动会。

    Competitors from more than a hundred countries have converged on Sheffield for the Games

  24. 行动小组通过将其任务分配给多个下属小组来完成工作。

    The Action Group worked by dividing its tasks among a large number of subgroups .

  25. 你喜欢一次忙多个项目吗?

    Do you like to have many projects on the go at any one time ?

  26. 从那以后她代养了100多个孩子,并从中得到快乐。

    She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children .

  27. 为了完成任务,他每周工作70多个小时。

    He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties

  28. 本周末在北美、亚洲和欧洲的多个城市举行了示威游行。

    There were demonstrations this weekend in cities throughout North America , Asia and Europe .

  29. 为了看看首都,再多个一两天也是值的。

    It is also worth tagging on an extra day or two to see the capital

  30. 这个问题可以从多个角度解决,不过,还是让我们逐个分析吧。

    You can attack this problem from many angles , but let 's take one thing at a time