
duō yuán chún
  • polyol;polyhydric alcohol
  1. 多元醇型非离子表面活性剂Span的毛细管超临界流体色谱分析

    The analysis of polyol non-ionic surfactants span by using capillary supercritical fluid chromatography

  2. 聚合物聚醚多元醇(POP)是在聚醚多元醇中原位形成微米级聚合物粒子的稳定粒子分散体。

    Polymer polyol ( POP ) are stable dispersions of glassy polymers in polyether polyols .

  3. 多元醇法制备Cu2O/CNTs复合材料的研究

    Synthesis of Cu_2O / CNTs Composite by Polyol Method

  4. 研究了不同叠氮取代率的叠氮聚醚多元醇的热分解行为和玻璃化温度,发现叠氮聚醚多元醇热分解分两步进行:第一步为255.06′C时,叠氮基团分解;

    The relationship of B 's thermal degradation and glass transition temperature with the percent of azide substitution is studied .

  5. 热塑性聚氨酯弹性体主要由含OH的低聚物多元醇、小分子扩链剂和异氰酸酯等原料聚合而成。

    Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers are prepared with polyol ester containing OH , isocyanate and a chain extender .

  6. 低不饱和度聚醚多元醇PU弹性体性能的影响因素

    Preparation of PU elastomer with low unsaturated polyether polyols

  7. 多元醇法制备和表征Sb2Se3纳米线

    Polyol Process Preparation and Characterization of Sb_2Se_3 Nanowires

  8. FTIR跟踪研究不饱和氯代阻燃聚醚多元醇与亚磷酸酯阻燃剂的反应

    Studies on the Reactions of Unsaturated Chloride Polyether Polyol with Trimethyl Phosphite by FTIR

  9. 多元醇的结构舒展性与多异氰酸酯预聚物的游离TDI

    Extension property of structures of polyols and free TDI of polyisocyanate prepolymer

  10. 改进型DMC催化剂制聚醚多元醇

    Synthesis of Polyether Polyols Using Improved DMC Catalyst

  11. 聚醚多元醇/液化MDI反应的化学流变性研究

    Study on Chemorheology of the Reaction Between Polyether and Liquefied MDI

  12. 钌碳氢解山梨醇制备C2-C3多元醇影响因素的研究

    Study on influencing factors in preparing C_2-C_3 polyols with Ru / C hydrogenolysis sorbitol

  13. PIPA多元醇制备软质PU泡沫

    Preparation of Soft Foam Using PIPA Polyol

  14. 无CFC硬泡用低粘度聚醚多元醇

    Polyether Polyol with Lower Viscosity for CFC - free Rigid Foams

  15. PPA多元醇相对分子质量测定的影响因素

    Influencing Factors in the Measurement of Averaged Molecular Weight of PPA

  16. PIPA多元醇制备硬质聚氨酯泡沫

    Preparation of Rigid Polyurethane Foam with PIPA Polyol

  17. 多元醇结构决定了PUA树脂的主要性能。

    The polyols determine the main performance of PUA resin .

  18. 利用富里叶变温红外光谱,对多元醇及其二元体系在发生固固相变时,多元醇晶体中-OH伸缩振动吸收峰位置随温度变化进行了讨论。

    During the solid solid phase chang of the polyols and binary mixtures of polyhydric alcohols , - OH in the crystals of the polyols stretching vibration absorption center shifts with temperatures .

  19. 一种新型多元醇三羟甲基己烷的合成研究NPG,TAM及其二元体系固-固相变DSC测量

    DSC Measurement of Solid-solid Phase Transitions in Polyhydric Alcohol and the NPG / TAM Binary System

  20. 在研究快速固化医用聚氨酯材料中,制备了以脂肪族多元醇为主的混合扩链剂(NB)。

    Based on aliphatic alcohol , alcohol amine and amine , a new mixed expander ( NB ) for polyurethane prepolymer was prepared .

  21. 报道了以二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯(MDI)、聚醚多元醇及三乙醇胺为原料合成硬质聚氨酯微球的方法。

    The preparation of rigid polyurethane microsphere using MDI and N330 as the raw materials was reported .

  22. FT-IR光谱证实聚醚多元醇的OH与PAPI的NCO反应生成了氨基甲酸酯(NHCOO),但NH和CO均以氢键形式存在。

    The formation of ( NHCOO between ) hydroxyl groups of polyol and isocyanate groups of PAPI was verified by FT-IR spectroscopy .

  23. 多元醇磷酸酯及K2Cr2O7缓蚀剂对碳钢、铝、不锈钢缓蚀作用的研究

    Studies of Inhibition Effects of Polyalcohol Phosphate Ester and K_2Cr_2O_7 Inhibitors on Carbon Steel , Aluminum and Stainless Steel

  24. 探讨了多元醇的最佳配合比例、预聚体NCO含量以及封端剂的选择。

    The optimum polyol composition , isocyanate group content of the prepolymer and end-capping agent selection were discussed .

  25. 得到了气含率εG关联式,用于单元醇(或酸)、多元醇(或酸)的气含率计算。

    Correlations of gas hold-up ε _Ghave been obtained , which can be used to estimate the gas hold-up in the solutions of monobasic alcohols ( or carboxylic acids ), polyhydric alcohols and polybasic acids .

  26. 讨论了多元醇与环氧丙烷(PO)及环氧乙烷(EO)共聚物的支链数、支链的分子量、PO与EO的摩尔比、分子间的交联对COM燃料流动性的影响。

    Effects of number , molecular weight , molar ratio of PO and EO , crosslink density of branched chain on fluidity are discussed .

  27. 将该共聚物中的羧基中和后制成丙烯酸多元醇分散体,将其作为B组分与一种低黏度的多异氰酸酯固化剂(A组分)组成双组分水性聚氨酯涂料。

    The carboxylic group in the copolymer is neutralized to form an acrylic polyol dispersion , which is used as component B to react with a low viscosity isocyanate ( component A ) forming the title 2K aqueous polyurethane coatings .

  28. 制备聚氨酯预聚体用的聚醚多元醇,其官能度一般为2-3,相对分子质量在400-4000之间,异氰酸酯则使用MDI预聚物。

    Polyols for making prepolymers are polyether polyols , with 2-3 functionality and molecular weight is between 400 and 4000 .

  29. 以聚醚多元醇、扩链剂、异氰酸酯、增塑剂、填料等为原材料,制备了MDI型双组分聚氨酯塑胶跑道用浆料。

    Two-component polyurethane synthetic-rubber track resin slurry was prepared by polyether , chain extender , MDI-based polyisocyanate , plasticizer , filler .

  30. 聚脲多元醇PHD的生产工艺复杂,在普通实验室和工厂合成较为困难。

    The manufacture of polyurea polyol ( PHD ) is so complex that the preparation of title compound is difficult in common laboratory and plant .