
  • 网络diversification strategy
  1. 终于开始执行一项亟需的多元化战略的伦敦证交所(londonstockexchange),应当会松一口气。

    The London Stock Exchange , finally pursuing a much-needed diversification strategy , should be relieved .

  2. 在今后的发展中,鹿城区将充分利用加入WTO的有利条件,实施多元化战略,千方百计扩大出口。

    In future development , Lucheng District will make full use of favorable conditions for accession to WTO , the implementation of diversification strategy , do everything possible to expand exports .

  3. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  4. 文章还分析了加入WTO以后经营环境变化对多元化战略的影响。

    The paper also analyzes the effect to the business diversification with the changed environment after joining in WTO .

  5. 通过以上分析利用SWOT方法,列出了企业可能采取的发展战略。通过对各种可能的战略进行分析,得出了企业应采取相关多元化战略的结论。

    By means of SWOT , the author get a series of development strategy from which a conclusion named plural strategy is drawn .

  6. 这些保障措施的制定对提升HS公司内部管理水平保障多元化战略的的实施具有重要实践意义。

    These safeguards have practical significance to enhance the management level and protect the diversification strategy of HS company .

  7. 再次,本文对HC公司产品多元化战略的实施条件进行了全面研究,包括对实施的保障措施、效果评估、风险防范等方面进行了研究。

    Third , this essay research the implementing condition of the product diversification strategy which including the supporting measures , Effect evaluation , risk prevention .

  8. 再次,通过SWOT分析,确定公司的发展战略:相关多元化战略,品牌化战略,人力资源战略和信息化战略。

    Thirdly , this paper uses SWOT analysis to design the development strategy of the company including relative diversification strategy , branding strategy , human resource strategy and information strategy .

  9. 根据公司在多元化战略下各业务的经营现状,运用SWOT分析方法,逐项分析竞争优势、竞争劣势、外部机会与潜在威胁,识别公司的管理风险。

    It applies on SWOT analysis tool to analyze the competitive strengths , competitive weaknesses , external opportunities , potential threats in different business so as to identify the management risks .

  10. 运用SWOT战略分析工具,为ZS公司制订了新的发展战略,即主业增长型的相关多元化战略。

    Using the strategy analyzing tool of SWOT , the author makes a new development strategy for ZS corporation , namely the multiplication strategy of developing main business .

  11. 通过SWOT分析,论文对企业外部的机遇与威胁和企业内部的优劣势作了评价,确定了企业的经营战略选择&多元化战略。

    The thesis also analyzes the external threats and opportunities , internal strength and weakness of the company by SWOT analysis , and gets a conclusion that the company should select the related diversification strategy .

  12. 根据大陆桥集团以现代物流为主的经济特点,运用BCG法选择总体战略模式采取同心多元化战略。

    According to the economic features that Continent Bridge Group makes the modern goods distribution as the main , the thesis applies the method of BCG to select general strategy pattern and adopt centripetal diversity strategy .

  13. 本文试图结合GE多元化战略的发展、变革,通过其多元化战略成功的要素分析,就企业是否需要多元化的问题做以简要阐述,并分析了企业多元化战略选择的三种动机。

    This thesis try to integrate the development and transform of the GE diversification strategy , and to analyze the key elements of its success strategy , the objective is to analyze weather the diversification is needed and the motivation of diversification strategy selection .

  14. 在发展战略上,Google奉行多元化战略,凭借自己的技术优势,把触角伸向了各个相关技术、商业领域;而百度则专注于中文搜索,为此稳坐全球中文搜索引擎的头把交椅。

    Regarding the development strategy , Google pursues diversification strategy , relying on its own technology advantage , reach out for all related technologies , business field ; while baidu focus in Chinese search , which make baidu take the first place among the Chinese search engines in the world .

  15. 并从对多元化战略的认识、人力资源、组织结构、企业竞争力、资源运用几个角度,归纳出CJ公司多元化经营失败给我们的启示。

    Also according to the understanding to strategies of diversification , human resource , organization , competitiveness , resources using and so on , it sums up the enlightenment from the failure of diversification of CJ Company .

  16. 论文从多元化战略理论出发,根据房地产业的特点,以CJ公司的兴衰为事实,说明多元化战略理论在行业实践中运用的必要性,以及正确运用这一理论的重要性。

    Proceeding from the diversified strategy theory , according to the characteristic of the real estate , regarding the rise and decline of CJ Company as a fact , the thesis proves the necessity and importance of diversified theory in trade practice .

  17. 多元化战略与归核化战略究竟哪一种更能为企业创造价值?

    Which strategic is better for the value of the firm ?

  18. 国内企业实施多元化战略成败分析

    Analysis of Success or Failure of Chinese Enterprises Implementing Diversification Strategy

  19. 百胜餐饮(中国)集团的多元化战略研讨

    The Research of Diversification Strategy in Yum ( China ) Group

  20. 企业家心智模式对企业多元化战略决策的影响

    The influence of enterprisers ' mental models on corporate diversification strategy-making

  21. 第三章对企业多元化战略发展进行国际比较。

    Chapter three compares the international development of the diversification strategy .

  22. 论全球化趋势与文化多元化战略

    On the trend of globalization and the stratagem of culture variety

  23. 实施农村城镇化发动主体的多元化战略。

    And carry out diversified strategy of subjects which accelerate rural urbanization .

  24. 第七部分为多元化战略实施的风险与对策。

    The seventh part is about the risks and countermeasures .

  25. 交叉销售视角下企业多元化战略风险研究

    Study on The Risk of Diversification Strategy Based on Cross - selling

  26. 我国上市公司的多元化战略与公司绩效

    Diversification Strategy and Firm Performance of China 's Listed Companies

  27. 第三章对基于企业多元化战略的品牌延伸相关概念进行了界定。

    The third chapter shows definition for diversification strategy and brand stretches .

  28. 我国旅游上市公司应选择怎样的多元化战略模式?

    Which mode of diversified strategy should Chinese listed tourism companies choose ?

  29. 一种新的多元化战略业务选择与评价方法

    A New Business Choice and Evaluation Method of Diversification Strategy

  30. 基于多元化战略的我国品牌延伸研究

    The Stretch Analysis of Chinese Brand Based on Diversified Strategy