
  1. 上周晚些时候,我们的HedgeyeVirtualPortfolio对中国股票进行了建仓,这是自去年9月末我们结清中国股票多头仓位以来的首次。

    Late last week , we opened a position in Chinese equities within the hedgeye virtual portfolio for the first time since closing a long position in late September of last year .

  2. 这是最好的卖出时间,兑现多头仓位的利润。

    It is a high time to sell , taking profits on long positions .

  3. 相反,他们表示,投资者是在用股指期货对冲中小盘股上的多头仓位。

    Instead , they say investors are using index futures to hedge long positions in small and mid-cap stocks .

  4. 激进的交易者可以设置“止损并下反向单”,意味着如果多头仓位被止损,他会反转做空。

    An aggressive trader can make that stop " stop-and reverse ," meaning that if stopped out of a long position , he will reverse and go short .

  5. 不过,与去年银价位于历史高点时的仓位状况相比,对冲基金的影响力已有所下降。当时,投机性净多头仓位约为5万手。

    However , hedge fund influence has shrunk compared with positioning at the price peak last year , when the net long position stood at about 50,000 lots .

  6. 上周的卖家就是本周的买家,最近几周,他们回补了空头仓位以后又要去再次买入多头仓位。

    Last week 's sellers are this week 's buyers , covering shorts and scrambling to replace the long positions they were talked out of during recent weeks .

  7. 参照凯恩斯的非理性原则,或许我们可以说:以这样低的价位,空头能持续做空的时间长于你能继续持有多头仓位的时间。

    We might suggest a corollary to Keynes ' irrationality principle : the shorts can remain short longer than you can continue holding a long position at such a depressed price .

  8. 比安科还指出,就黄金的净多头仓位来看,基金经理们如今纷纷对黄金看跌,其悲观程度为过去10年所未见。

    Bianco also points out that money managers overall have not been as down on gold in the past 10 years than they are today , as measured by net long positions in the metal .

  9. 投资银行的外汇交易部门表示,部分对冲基金正建立丹麦克朗的多头仓位,以对冲欧元崩盘的风险,这让丹麦央行的日子更不好过。

    Making life harder for the central bank , some hedge funds are taking long positions in the krone as insurance against a collapse of the single currency , according to currency trading desks at investment banks .

  10. 从理论上讲,市场将会在最后一个空头脱离陷阱、最后一个多头建立仓位之后恢复现有趋势。

    Theoretically , the market will resume the existing trend as soon as the last bears had gotten out of the trap and the last bull had placed his bets .