
  • 网络swap contract
  1. 如果部分银行选择不解除掉期合约,那它们将继续承担AIG日后可能无法偿付债务的风险。

    If some banks choose not to cancel the swap contracts , they would still bear the risk that AIG mightn 't be able to meet its obligations down the road .

  2. 议员们今年早些时候愤怒地获悉,高盛和其它一些银行依靠纳税人的钱,弥补了与破产的保险业巨头美国国际集团(aig)之间信用违约掉期合约的全部损失。

    Lawmakers were furious when they learnt earlier this year that Goldman and other banks were fully reimbursed by the taxpayer on credit default swap contracts with failed insurance giant AIG .

  3. 经纪商伦敦航运投资者服务公司(freightinvestorservices)的数据显示,2010年度铁矿石掉期合约昨日的交易价格为每吨125.5美元。

    The 2010 calendar year ore swap traded yesterday at $ 125.5 a tonne , according to freight investor services , a London-based broker .

  4. 印度清算公司(clearingcorporationofindia)于2002年成立,目前已开始清算卢比外汇衍生品,并正在向清算本地利率掉期合约发展。

    The Clearing Corporation of India , which was established in 2002 , has started clearing rupee foreign exchange derivatives and is moving towards the clearing of local interest rate swaps .

  5. 解除掉期合约会令aig无需再为这类掉期提供更多质押物,为掉期提供质押也是aig最近几个季度冲销数十亿美元的原因所在。

    The contract cancellations will free the insurer from additional collateral calls on those swaps , which also have been responsible for billions of dollars in write-downs that AIG has logged in recent quarters .

  6. 即使这家银行拥有看上去颇为严格的行为准则,但还是有员工操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor),也有员工向客户销售利率掉期合约和不必要的支付保险。

    For , even as some employees were fiddling the London interbank offered rate and selling customers interest rate swaps and unnecessary payment protection insurance , the bank already had an apparently robust code of conduct .

  7. 黎定得进一步指出,隔夜指数掉期合约可为银行及商业机构司库提供一项灵活的对冲工具。

    Mr latter further remarked that OIS provided a flexible hedging tool for banks and corporate treasurers .

  8. 金融管理局一直均有运用利率掉期合约,以对冲因外汇基金票据及债券而产生的定息负债。

    The monetary authority has been using interest rate swaps to hedge the fixed rate liabilities arising from exchange fund paper .

  9. 我很难看出零售银行有什么理由需要以自有账户进行衍生品交易&利率掉期合约除外。

    It is hard to see why a retail bank needs to trade any derivatives on its own account other than interest rate swaps .

  10. 根据在新加坡交易所结算的掉期合约,澳大利亚基准铁矿石(铁含量为62%)价格昨日飙升至每吨133.1美元。

    Australian benchmark iron ore 62 per cent iron content surged yesterday to $ 133.1 a tonne , according to swaps cleared at the Singapore Exchange .

  11. 后来,大宗商品还开发出了衍生品合约,先是场外掉期合约,接着是期货合约,让消费者和生产商得以对冲价格波动风险。

    At a later stage , the commodities also developed derivatives contracts , with consumers and producers hedging the risk of volatile prices with over-the-counter swaps and , later , futures contracts .

  12. 原因之一是涉及中国的某些期货合约获得成功,如铁矿石掉期合约,它们得到中国贸易商(有很多落户新加坡)的广泛使用,以及上月推出的人民币外汇掉期合约。

    One reason is the success of certain futures contracts tied to China – such as iron ore swaps , which are widely used by Chinese traders , many based in Singapore – and of renminbi currency swaps , which were launched last month .

  13. 单日掉期外汇期货合约

    One day rolling currency futures contract

  14. 日本的金融厅认为,至少需要建立一家中央结算对手,清算交易量达到特定水平的简单利率掉期和信贷违约掉期合约,比如日本的itraxx指数交易。

    In Japan , the FSA has concluded that at least one CCP will be necessary for the clearing of straightforward interest rate swaps and credit default swaps of a certain turnover , such as itraxx Japan index transactions .

  15. 但预计AIG在多部门CDO上的大多数掉期交易对手都会将手头的证券出售给新的机构,解除信用违约掉期(CDS)合约。

    But most of AIG 's swap counterparties on the multisector CDOs are expected to sell their securities to the new facility and cancel the credit-default-swap contracts .