
  1. 随着税收信息化建设步伐的不断加快,国税部门大力推行多元化申报方式和全面应用税收征管系统(CTAIS),税收信息已全面实现信息化管理。

    With the development of the tax information construction , tax departments vigorously promote diversification of methods and full application to declare tax collection and management system ( CTAIS ) . Tax information has been realized information management .

  2. 陕西地税系统是以多元化申报和税企互动门户为核心的、向纳税人提供个性化服务的电子化平台。

    Shaanxi local taxation system is an electronic platform that has the characteristics of the multiplex declaration , interactive portal as its core between tax department and enterprise , and provides personalized service to the taxpayers .

  3. 江西省国税局四个主体应用软件(增值税管理系统、CTAIS系统、出口退税审核系统、多元化电子申报纳税系统),在全省十一个设区市国税局全面运行。

    There are four systems which are running in Taxation Administration Office of Jiangxi Province in eleven cities offices , they are Value Added Tax Administration System , China Tax Administration Information System , Drawback Tax Checking System and Internet Tax Declare System .