
duō yuán wén huà
  • Multicultural;multi culture
  1. 可见,清前期,贵州少数民族在文化上仍是较多的保留了自己的传统文化,多元文化并存。

    Thus it can be seen that the culture of ethnic minorities in Guizhou in early Qing Dynasty still retain mostly their traditional culture and multi culture co-exist as well .

  2. 我们生活在一个多元文化的社会中。

    We live in a multicultural society .

  3. 这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。

    The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum .

  4. 甚至散文都是离奇得无厘头:那是一生都在35000英尺高空的全球贵宾们的多元文化暗语。

    Even the prose is weirdly rootless : the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at35,000 feet .

  5. 在多元文化社会中长大的孩子们。

    Children growing up in a multicultural society .

  6. 多元文化护理在ICU护理质量管理中的应用

    Application of multicultural nursing in nursing quality management of intensive care unit

  7. 多元文化护理用于ICU综合征的预防

    Multiculture Nursing for the Protection of ICU Syndrom

  8. 多元文化的咨询与治疗理论(MCT理论)就是在这种条件下产生的,它试图弥补传统咨询与治疗理论忽视文化因素的不足。

    Multicultural counselling and therapy is trying to complement the cultural factors ignored by traditional counselling and therapy .

  9. IB数学课程鼓励学生对多元文化理解和接受,并且重视培养学生的国际意识及有责任心的公民意识。

    The course encourages students ' multicultural understanding and acceptance , lays stress on developing international awareness and responsible civic awareness of students .

  10. 一个叫作是移民ZF改革研究会的组织已经成立,背后的支持者是移民政策批评家和一些多元文化主义者。

    A new group called the Centre for Immigration Policy Reform , whose backers include a critic of immigration and multiculturalism , has been set up .

  11. 指出依据病人不同的文化背景和需要,通过改善ICU的文化环境(传统文化、现代文化、饮食文化)、居住环境、语言环境,可缓解多元文化冲击,提高ICU的护理质量和护士素质。

    The authors indicate that multi-culture shock in ICU can be relieved by improving ICU cultural conditions ( traditional culture , modern culture and diet cultures ), living condition , language condition so as to promote the increase of nursing quality in ICU and nurse 's quality .

  12. 声乐艺术是一种由多元文化构成的综合艺术。

    Vocal art is an art integration composed of multi cultures .

  13. 英语变体与多元文化语境中的英语听力教学

    The English Varieties and English Listening Teaching in the Multicultural Contexts

  14. 从白澳政策到多元文化教育&试探澳大利亚多元文化教育体制形成的艰难历程

    From " White Australia Policy " to Multicultural Education in Australia

  15. 从澳大利亚总督辞职谈多元文化观念差异

    On Discrepancy of Multi-cultural Concepts From the Resignation of Australian Viceroy

  16. 尊重、交流与沟通&多元文化语境下的翻译

    Respect , Exchange and Communication : Translation in the Context of Multiculturalism

  17. 哪一个法律文件承认加拿大多元文化?

    Which legal document recognizes the cultural diversity of canadians ?

  18. 多元文化冲击下的毛姆叙事

    The narration of Maugham which suffered from the impaction of heterogeneity culture

  19. 韩国的国策与多元文化互动

    Interaction between National Policies of South Korea and Multiple Culture

  20. 多元文化背景下的我国大学生价值观教育

    The College Students ' Value Education in Our Country in Muti-cultural Pattern

  21. 族际政治视野中的自治、共治和多元文化主义

    Autonomy , Co-Government and Multiculturalism from the View of the Inter-Ethnic Politics

  22. 澳门历史建筑群&多元文化的华彩乐章

    Historical Architectural Group in Macau : A Splendid Chapter of Multiple Cultures

  23. 全球范围内的多元文化思潮需要和谐文化调解。

    Multi-cultural thought need mediation from harmonious culture in worldwide .

  24. 多元文化教育视角下的少数民族公民教育

    The Citizen Education of Ethnic Minority under the Multicultural Education

  25. 多元文化已经成为一种国际化趋势。

    The concept of multi-culture has become a global tendency .

  26. 在多元文化背景指导下有多元文化咨询。

    Under the background of the multiple-culture , there are multiple-culture consultations .

  27. 从而更好地实现地理教学中融入多元文化教育的真正目的。

    Finally to realize the aim multicultural education in the geography teaching .

  28. 从文化碰撞和种族冲突到多元文化共存

    From Cultural Conflict and Racial Clash to Ethnic Coexistence

  29. 种类繁多的文化特色词体现了多元文化的色彩。

    The variety of culture-characteristic words shows multicultural background .

  30. 多元文化语境中的东方诺贝尔文学

    Oriental Nobel Prize for Literature in the Multiple-culture Context