
  • 网络multiple access protocol;PRMA
  1. 在分析分组预约多址协议和码分多址的基础上,提出一种多载波分组预约多址与码分多址混合的多址协议。

    The multiple carrier hybrid PRMA and CDMA protocol is presented based on packet reservation multiple access ( PRMA ) and code division multiple access protocol .

  2. 卫星数据网多址协议(accessprotocol)是发展VSAT数据网的关键技术。

    Satellite Data Network Multiple Access Protocol is the key technology of the development of VSAT Data network .

  3. 移动adhoc网络中应用智能天线的多址协议及其性能分析

    Multiple Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Smart Antennas

  4. 移动adhoc网络中一种有效多址协议的性能仿真

    Simulation Study on an Efficient Multiple Access Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  5. 一种基于服务质量(QoS)的分组预约多址协议

    A QoS based Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol

  6. 卫星ATM中的复用自适应随机预约多址协议研究

    Multiplexed Random Reservation Adaptive Assignment Protocol for ATM over Satellite

  7. 不同业务模型下无线ATM多址协议的特征参数

    Performance analysis of MAC protocol for wireless ATM under different traffic models

  8. 一种格形VSAT网络多址协议分析

    Analysis of the Multi access for a Meshed VSAT Network

  9. 浅谈VSAT系统数据网多址协议

    Discussion of VSAT System Data Network Multiple Access Protocols

  10. 仿真结果表明,相较于传统的战术数据链MAC协议,动态时分多址协议拥有更好的灵活性和更高的性能,可以保证实时多媒体业务传送的服务质量保证要求。

    The simulation results show that the dynamic TDMA protocol has a better performance and can guarantee the requirements of the real-time transmission of the multimedia services .

  11. 一种基于PRMA的数话综合多址协议及其性能分析

    A novel protocol for the integration of voice / data based on PRMA

  12. 分组预约多址协议在DECT系统中的应用

    Applying Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol in DECT Systems

  13. 因此,研究多址协议对提高adhoc网络的性能有着重要意义,文中作者重点研究了基于轮询接入的多址协议。

    Hence , the research on multiple access methods is critical to the performance of Ad Hoc networks , and the multiple access protocols based on polling schema is researched in depth in this thesis .

  14. FATMA-时频多址协议及其性能分析

    FATMA-Frequency And Time Multiple Access Protocol And Its Performance Analysis

  15. 本文从用户角度和实际通信情况考虑,提出了一种基于服务质量的分组预约多址协议(ET-PRMA)。

    A Packet Reservation Multiple Access ( PRMA ) protocol , ET PRMA ( Emulate TDMA PRMA ) based on Quality of Services as required in the third generation communication systems is proposed .

  16. 在传统TDMA协议的基础上,实现了一种可扩展的动态时分多址协议(DTDMA)。

    Based on the traditional TDMA protocol , we propose a scalable dynamic time division multiple access protocol ( DTDMA ) .

  17. 作者研究大规模无线移动adhoc网络的关键技术,提出解决大规模网络路由的基本思路,阐明在adhoc网络中应用智能天线的两种多址协议,给出了实现高达100Mbit/s的自适应传输方案。

    The idea to solve the routing problem of large scale of networks is proposed . Two multiple protocols for ad hoc networks incorporated with smart antennas are presented . The adaptive transmission scheme to implement up to 100 Mbit / s data rate is given .

  18. 文章首先分析了无线通信系统中的多址协议技术,然后针对无线短数据网,提出了一种动态的预约多址协议模型(DRMAPM),解决了无线短数据网中多用户共享信道的问题。

    This paper firstly summarizes the Multiple Access Protocol technology in wireless communications , then a Dynamic Reserved Multiple Access Protocol Model ( DRMAPM ) is given aiming at the Wireless Short-Data Network , which solves the problem of channel sharing in the Wireless Short-Data Network .

  19. 高速无线接入系统的多址协议研究

    Researches on Multiple Access Protocols for High Speed Wireless Access System

  20. 多址协议的研究及其在无线短数据网中的应用

    Multiple Access Protocol Research and Applying in the Wireless Short-Data Network

  21. 微蜂窝与低轨道卫星通信中的多址协议研究

    Study of Multiple Access Protocols in Microcellular and Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Communications

  22. 冲突消弱分组预约多址协议及其性能分析

    Collision Resolution Packet Reservation Multiple Access Protocol with Its Performance Analysis

  23. 基于嵌入式操作系统的无线多址协议研发

    Research on Wireless Multiple Access Protocol Based on Embedded Operating System

  24. 一种适合时分双工环境的分组预约多址协议

    A packet reservation multiple access protocol in time division duplex

  25. 自适应动态分组预约多址协议

    An adaptive transmission based dynamic packet reservation multiple access protocol

  26. 一种新的支持智能天线应用的多址协议及其性能分析

    A Novel MAC Protocol for Wireless Internet Access Network with Smart Antennas

  27. 一种基于多普勒频移的卫星通信多址协议

    A Multiple Access Protocol Based on the Doppler Frequency Shift for Satellite Communications

  28. 改进的分组预约多址协议性能分析

    Performance Analysis of An Improved Packet Reservation Multiple Access

  29. 改善分组预约多址协议中话音业务性能的一种方法

    An improvement method for prma 's voice service

  30. 无冲突的多址协议是目前移动自组织网络多址接入协议的发展方向。

    Conflict free multiple access control protocols are new direction for mobile ad-hoc networks .