
  • 网络several complex variables;Narasimhan
  1. 因此,如何求Bergman核函数的显表达式一直是多复变函数论的一个重要的研究方向,至今仍吸引着许多数学家对此进行研究。

    Therefore , computation of the Bergman kernel function by explicit formula is an important research direction in several complex variables .

  2. 这是多复变函数论中一个很重要的课题,特别是Cauchy积分与多复变奇异积分有着十分紧密的联系。

    This is an important topic in the function theory of several complex variables . Especially , there is an intimate relation between the Cauchy integrals and the singular integrals of several complex variables .

  3. 多复变函数高阶奇异积分的Hadamard主值的若干性质

    The properties of the hadamard 's principal value for the higher order singular integral relating to the function of several complex variables

  4. 多复变函数的一些边值问题

    Some Boundary Value Problems for Several Complex Variables

  5. 黎曼几何的研究从局部发展到整体,产生了许多深刻的并在其它数学分支,如代数拓扑、偏微分方程、多复变函数论等以及现代物理学中有重要作用的结果。

    The investigation of Riemannian geometry , from localization to globe , produced many important results , which can be used in many mathematical fields such as algebra topology , partial differential equation , multiple valued complex analysis as well as modern physics .

  6. 通过多复变函数论提出的一组偏微分方程,指出一些重要的研究结果及研究中的问题,包括解的中量性质,解的拓展性质,广义势解及问题的提法等。

    Some principal results and some problems in qualitative researches through a partial differential equation system in several comples variables have been proposed , which involves : mean value properties , continuation of solutions , generalized potential solutions and the ' correct set ' for a partial differential equation system .

  7. 多值复变函数的多值解析分支

    The Multi-valued Analytical Branches of the Multi-valued Complex Functions

  8. 多复变几何函数理论的近代进展

    Recent development in geometric function theory of several variables

  9. 本论文研究了多复变全纯函数空间上的几个问题。

    In this thesis we mainly consider some problems on holomorphic function spaces on Cn .

  10. 作者评论了多复变几何函数理论中的新结果。

    The author reviews new results in geometric function theory of several variables in C ~ n.

  11. 多复变广义全纯函数的一个带Haseman位移的非线性边值问题

    A Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem with Haseman Shift for Generalized Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables

  12. 单或多复变亚纯函数的唯一性理论

    Uniqueness Theory of Meromorphic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables