
  • 网络multiyear ice;multi-year ice;muti-year ice
  1. 对于多年冰,几种算法给出的结果有很大不同。

    For multiyear ice , these algorithms give quite different results .

  2. 据说,因纽特人在形容雪时,词汇非常丰富,但在谈及西北航道时却很词穷,只能想到一种由水冻结而成的多年冰。

    It is said that the Inuit have many words for snow , but when it comes to the northwest passage only one type of frozen water matters : multiyear ice .

  3. 以多年冰为主,平均寿命为13年。

    The average period is 1 . 3 years .

  4. 专家预言夏季北极多年冰可能完全地消失在一些十年期里面。

    Experts predict that summer Arctic ice may completely disappear within a few decades .

  5. 在过去的几十年里,北极夏季海冰覆盖范围、海冰厚度、多年冰的数量都发生了剧烈的变化。

    In the past decades , there are acutely change in sea ice area , thickness and the quantity of perennial ice during in the summer arctic .

  6. 比如说,今年西北航道上的一年冰融化时,就为多年冰从伊丽莎白群岛漂移至西北航道开辟了道路,从而堵塞西北航道。

    This year , for example , when the first-year ice in the passage had melted , it opened the way for multiyear ice ( MYI ) from the Queen Elizabeth Islands to flow into and clog the northwest passage .

  7. 环境同位素~3H在青藏高原多年冻土区地下冰研究中的应用

    Applications of Environmental Isotope Tritium to Research Into Ground Ice in Permafrost Regions of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau